• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Floral induction conditions for Phalaenopsis

  • 摘要: 探讨不同N、P、K配比、高山催花和空调房催花技术对蝴蝶兰花芽分化的影响,结果表明:蝴蝶兰进入花芽分化阶段应当逐渐减少氮肥,适当增加磷钾肥的施用量和施用比例。蝴蝶兰花芽分化阶段的施肥以含磷钾肥较高的N、P、K配比(10:40:20)、(10:30:20)、(10:30:40)的速效肥稀释2 000倍喷施,效果最好;蝴蝶兰高山催花的适宜条件是海拔800 m以上,而且兰株需健壮,4片叶以上,双叶距30 cm以上,根系粗壮,无病虫害,才能通过花芽分化;蝴蝶兰的空调房催花的适宜条件是兰株健壮,4片叶以上,双叶距20cm以上,根系粗壮,无病虫害,白天温度25~28℃,夜间温度15~18℃,光照强度30 000~35 000lx,低温处理时间约18 h•d-1。


    Abstract: The effects of N/P/K applications on floral budding of Phalaenopsis at high altitude or with air-conditioning were studied.Results showed that the optimum fertilizer ratio was N:P2O5:K2O=10:40:20,10:30:20 or 10:30:40.At elevations above 800 meters,the essential budding requirements included(a) healthy plantlet with 4~5 leaves,(b) more than 20cm between two leaves,(c) thick and strong roots,and(d) no pest infestation and disease-free.On indoor air-conditioned cultivation,the temperature was best maintained at 25~28 ℃ in the daytime and 15~18 ℃ at night,illumination intensity at 30000~35000 lx,and 18 hours low temperature treatment per day.


