On breeding Dendrobium candidum Wall.ex Lindl
摘要: 以福建铁皮石斛种子为材料,开展种子萌芽、壮苗生根适宜培养基配方试验研究,并对组培苗的移栽基质进行筛选。结果表明:以MS+蔗糖30gL-1+琼脂7gL-1为培养基,种子萌芽快,萌芽率高;1/4MS+蔗糖40gL-1+马铃薯提取液100mgL-1+琼脂7gL-1是壮苗生根的最佳培养基;木屑:泥炭(1:2)的基质,组培苗移栽成活率、平均新芽数及大于3cm平均新芽数等3项指标最好。Abstract: On an appropriate medium,Fujian's Dendrobium candidum Wall.ex Lindl was studied for its seed germination,plantlet strength,rooting and transplantation.The results indicated that the seeds germinated well and quickly on the medium consisting of MS +sucrose 30 gL-1 +agar 7 gL-1.To strengthen the plantlet and encourage root formation,the best formulation was found to be 1/4MS +sucrose 40gL-1 +potato extract 100 mgL-1+agar 7gL-1.The transplanting survival rate,average number of new buds and average number of new buds that were longer than 3 cm could best be obtained when the mixture of sawdust and peat in the ratio of 1:2 was used for the plantlet transplantation.
- Dendrobium candidum Wall.ex Lindl /
- tissue culture /
- medium
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