Application Status of Bacillus in Resources Utilization of Crops Straw
摘要: 从芽胞杆菌对农业秸秆的饲料化、肥料化和物质转化方面, 深入阐述芽胞杆菌在农业秸秆资源化中的应用现状, 以期为充分发挥芽胞杆菌资源的利用价值, 从而促进生态农业的可持续发展提供参考。Abstract: The role of Bacillus in the resources utilization of crops straw was summarized in this paper.This paper also reviewed the Bacillus transform crops straw to feed、fertilizer、raw material for industry and edible mushrooms.Our work will be benefit for excavating bacillus of application potential and promote the development of ecological and sustainable agriculture.
Key words:
- Bacillus /
- corps straw /
- resources utilization
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