Nutritional Analysis and Evaluation for Industrial Cultivated Pleurotus eryngii By-products
摘要: 分析工厂化栽培杏鲍菇副产物 (菇头、异形菇) 的主要营养成分, 并采用国际通用的非生物评价法, 评价其蛋白质的营养价值。结果表明, 与杏鲍菇商品菇相比, 杏鲍菇副产物灰分、粗脂肪、粗多糖、Ca、Fe、Zn、Se等营养成分含量差异不显著, 粗蛋白还高出20.69%;杏鲍菇副产物含有17种氨基酸, 氨基酸总量达16.38g·hg-1, 必需氨基酸总量为6.16g·hg-1;从化学评分 (CS) 、氨基酸评分 (AAS) 和氨基酸比值系数 (RCAA) 分析, 杏鲍菇副产物第一限制氨基酸为含硫氨基酸 (蛋氨酸+胱氨酸) , 但赖氨酸和苏氨酸含量较高, 可与谷物类食物互补搭配;必需氨基酸指数 (EAAI) 、生物价 (BV) 和氨基酸比值系数分 (SRCAA) 略低于杏鲍菇商品菇;营养指数 (NI) 与香菇相当, 略高于商品菇;杏鲍菇副产物营养丰富, 开发潜力大。Abstract: Industrial cultivated Pleurotus eryngii by-products were analyzed in contents of major nutrients, and estimated particularly in its protein value with non-biological evaluations.The results showed that, compared with commodity P.Eryngii mushrooms, the cultivated P.eryngii by-products contained similar nutrients in amount of ash, crude fat, crude polysaccharide, Ca, Fe, Zn and Se but higher in its crude protein than in the commodity mushrooms for 20.69%.The P.eryngii by-product contained 17 amino acids in total amino acids and total essential amino acids for 16.38g·hg-1 and 6.16g·hg-1, respectively.By indices of chemical score (CS) , amino acid score (AAS) and ratio coefficient of amino acid (RCAA) , the first limiting amino acid of P.eryngii by-product was determined in sulfur amino acids (methionine and cystine) , and higher in lysine and threonine than in other amino acids.The results suggested the optimal application in use of the by-products as the complementary of grains food.Comparatively, the indices of essential amino acid index (EAAI) , biological value (BV) and score of ratio coefficient of amino acid (SRCAA) were slightly lower in P.eryngii by-product than in commodity mushrooms, while nutritional index (NI) was slightly higher in P.Eryngii by-product than in commodity mushrooms but was similar with it of shiitake mushroom.The nutritional information indicated that Pleurotus eryngii by-product had great potential for further development in use.
Key words:
- Pleurotus eryngii /
- by product /
- nutrients /
- protein /
- nutritional value
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