Construction and Analysis of a Genetic Linkage Map for Loquat
摘要: 以枇杷‘早钟6号’和‘贵妃’杂交的56株F1代群体为试材, 应用Join-Map 4.0作图软件初步构建含19个连锁群, 94个遗传标记 (23个SSR标记、28个ISSR标记、42个SRAP标记和1个果肉颜色性状标记) 的枇杷遗传连锁图谱。该图谱覆盖基因组849.0cM, 连锁群平均长度为44.7cM, 平均图距为9.1cM。每个连锁群包含216个标记, 平均为4.9个标记。枇杷果肉颜色性状标记定位在第5连锁群上的S33-250和UCB842-1000标记之间。Abstract: A genetic linkage map for loquat was established based on 56F1 population derived from the cross between Zao Zhong No.6and Gui Fei loquats using JoinMap 4.0software.The map consisted of 19 linkage groups including94 genetic markers (i.e., 23 SSR markers, 28 ISSR markers, 42 SRAP markers and 1flesh color GRYS trait) .The map covered 849.0cM of the genome.The average length of the genetic linkage group was 44.7cM, and the average distance between the adjacent loci was 9.1cM.Each group contained 2to 16 loci, and 4.9 markers per group.The marker linked to the flesh color of the fruits was located in between S33-250 and UCB842-1 000 in Group 5.
Key words:
- loquat /
- genetic map /
- SSR /
- SRAP /
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