Breeding of Highly Fusarium Wilt-resistant Sweet Potato,Fushu 90
摘要: 为了满足福建省不同生态区域对优质、抗病甘薯新品种的需求, 福建省农业科学院作物研究所与福建省农业科学院中心实验室于2007年以兰葡萄×南薯88杂交选育而成福薯90号。经过多点试验、省区域试验和生产试验, 于2014年5月通过福建省农作物品种审定。该品种生育期135150d, 株型中长蔓半直立, 叶色绿带紫, 叶型心带齿, 茎紫色, 薯块纺锤形, 薯皮红色, 薯肉黄色;单株结薯数25个, 鲜薯产量41 004.45kg·hm-2, 薯干产量10 694.1kg·hm-2, 淀粉产量6 695.85kg·hm-2;干物率25.99%, 出粉率16.25%, 食味评分80.9分, 外观评分82.0分;薯块萌芽性好, 较耐贮藏, 高抗蔓割病。福薯90号属高产、优质、抗病新品种, 适宜在福建省大面积推广应用。Abstract: There was a demand for disease resistant sweet potatoes for different ecological areas in Fujian.As a result, Fushu 90 was bred by crossing Lanputao and Nanshu 88, which has passed the provincial registrations in2014.The new variety had a growth period of approximately 135-150 days, aplant type suitable for the area, and the heart-shaped green leaves tinted with purple stripes and saw-like edge, the purple stems, and the spindle-shaped tubers with red skin and yellowish flesh that were appealing to the consumers.On average, each individual plant bore 2to 5tubers with a production rate of 41 004.45kg·hm-2, or 10 694.1kg dry matters·hm-2 (i.e., 25.99% dry matters in tuber) and 6 695.85 kg starch·hm-2 (i.e., 16.25%starch content in tuber) .In sensory evaluation, Fushu 90 scored 80.9on taste, and 82.0on appearance.The sweet potatoes had a desirable storage property and high budding rate.It also exhibited a high resistance to fusarium wilt.Thus, Fushu 90 was recommended for promotion in Fujian.
Key words:
- high quality /
- disease-resistant /
- sweet potato /
- Fushu 90 /
- breeding
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