Oxygen Consumption and Suffocation Point of Acrossocheilius hemispinus
摘要: 采用封闭式流水装置,测定2种不同规格半刺厚唇鱼Acrossocheilius hemispinus的耗氧率与窒息点。结果表明:半刺厚唇鱼的耗氧率和窒息点均与体质量呈负相关,即大规格试验鱼的耗氧率和窒息点均低于小规格试验鱼;不同规格半刺厚唇鱼的耗氧率存在明显的昼夜节律变化,属于"昼伏夜出型"。综合半刺厚唇鱼的耗氧率、耗氧率昼夜变化节律及窒息点表现,在人工养殖过程中,建议饲料投喂的适宜时间为9:00~11:00和17:00~19:00,同时注意确保养殖水体中溶氧充足。Abstract: The oxygen consumption and suffocation point of Acrossocheilius hemispinus were observed on two weight-classes of the fish in a closed fresh watertank with constant circulation. The results showed that the rate ofoxygen consumption and suffocation point of the large sized fish were lower than the small sized counterparts. There was an apparent difference on the oxygen consumptions of the fish during the day and night, as it is termed "circadian rhythm".In that regard, A.hemispinus belonged to the nocturnal type that tended to be more active in the daytime than at night. Based on the information collected, feeding at 9:00-11:00 and 17:00-19:00with sufficient supply of oxygen for the aquaculture was recommended.
Key words:
- Acrossocheilius hemispinus /
- oxygen consumption rate /
- suffocation point
表 1 半刺厚唇鱼各时间段的耗氧率
Table 1. Oxygen consumption rates of A.hemispinus duringdifferent time periodsin a day
(mg·g-1·L-1)1:00~3:00 172.58 270.73 3:00~5:00 159.18 262.61 5:00~7:00 177.45 252.15 7:00~9:00 198.75 200.26 9:00~11:00 187.08 292.02 11:00~13:00 179.12 227.77 13:00~15:00 163.41 248.50 15:00~17:00 191.84 267.53 17:00~19:00 256.86 261.33 19:00~21:00 244.93 273.03 21:00~23:00 215.45 276.28 23:00~1:00 168.05 278.06 白天平均耗氧率 182.94±11.35a 248.04±28.94b 晚上平均耗氧率 202.84±38.47a 270.34±6.37b 平均值 192.89±30.06a 259.19±23.74b 表 2 半刺厚唇鱼的窒息点
Table 2. Suffocation point of A.hemispinus
(mg·L-1)大规格(105.4) 2.43±0.03 2.73±0.30 小规格(60.4) 3.03±0.07 -
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