Radiation-induced Mutation and Mutant Screening on Calluses of Anthurium andraeanum
摘要: 利用60Co-γ射线对红掌‘阿拉巴马’的愈伤组织进行辐射,根据再生植株的叶色和花色变化筛选出突变体,并对突变体与亲本进行形态学、细胞学及分子水平的差异分析。结果表明:红掌‘阿拉巴马’愈伤组织的半致死剂量接近30 Gy。当辐射剂量为30 Gy时,再生植株M1代、M2代的性状一致,染色体数目与亲本一致2n=2x=30,仅有RAPD-751引物(序列:CCCACCACAC)条带与亲本有差异,并且能够稳定遗传,从而成功诱变出红掌突变体,这对提高红掌的育种效率具有重要的理论和实践意义。Abstract: Calluses from Anthurium andraeanum (Alabama) were exposed to 60Co-γ rays to induce mutation on the tissue. Based on the color changes on the leaves and flowers, resulting mutants were selected among the regenerated plants. Subsequently, the morphological, cellular and molecular properties of the selected mutants and their parents were analyzed. The half-lethal dose of 60Co γ-ray on the callus was found to be close to 30 Gy. Treated by the dosage, the mutated M1 and M2 generations showed similar traits. They had a chromosome number same as that of the parents. But, they differed from the parents in RAPD on the D-751 primer that had a sequence of CCCACCACAC. Since the mutants could consistently pass on the inherited genes to the regenerated protoplasts, theoretically, successful breeding of mutated plants from A. andraeanum by irradiation treatment could be expected in practice.
Key words:
- Anthurium alabama /
- callus /
- 60Co γ-ray /
- radiation-induced /
- mutant
表 1 不同辐射剂量下红掌愈伤组织的分化率
Table 1. Differentiation rate of A. andraeanum calluses treated by varied radiation dosages
辐射剂量/Gy 愈伤个数/个 分化数/个 分化率/% 0 100 97 97 20 100 85 85 30 100 26 38 40 100 0 0 表 2 植物学性状调查
Table 2. Botanical character questionnaires
性状 突变体 阿拉巴马 差异性(0.05) 株高/cm 50.55±1.16 52.28±0.45 0.526 冠幅/cm 49.83±2.98 50.91±0.64 0.626 叶柄长/cm 20.12±0.37 20.12±0.37 0.839 叶长/cm 20.45±0.34 21.63±0.34 0.039 叶宽/cm 12.38±0.57 12.44±0.25 0.079 花梗长/cm 24.26±0.57 24.15±0.55 0.587 佛焰苞长/cm 11.51±0.61 11.90±0.48 0.029 佛焰苞宽/cm 8.61±0.12 8.63±0.20 0.597 花序长/cm 5.49±0.13 5.60±0.08 0.284 花序直径/mm 1.01±0.03 1.02±0.18 0.699 花朵数/朵 3.6±0.17 3.62±0.14 0.487 佛焰苞颜色 白色 红色 显著 花梗颜色 浅绿 棕红 显著 叶梗颜色 浅绿 棕红 显著 -
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