Relay Cropping and Mulching with Maize for Chinese Yam Cultivation
摘要: 为提高土地利用率和山药种植效益,探讨适合当前山药生产需求的高效栽培技术,采用对比试验的研究方法,分析山药套种早熟玉米并覆盖玉米秸秆的栽培模式。结果表明:山药套种并覆盖玉米秸秆后,土壤表层土含水量增加26%,土壤孔隙度增加7%,土壤有机质增加17%;对山药萌芽时间和早期幼苗生长无显著影响;但全株分枝增加11%,茎叶总重量增加13%;根系长度增长13%,根重增加14%,且毛细根增多,根系有上浮现象;产量提高7%;每667 m2增收1 900元。山药套种早熟玉米栽培模式增产增收效果明显,适宜在三明市进行推广应用。Abstract: To improve land-use and yield of Chinese yam (Dioscorea opposita L.) by relay-cropping maize plants was investigated. In trials, effects of planting an early maturing maize and mulching with maize straws on the field were monitored. The results of the tests showed that (a) the moisture content of the surface soil increased by 26%, porosity by 7%, and organic matters by 17%; (b) there was no significant differences on plant germination time and growth of young seedlings of the yam as compared to control; (c) the number of branches on a yam plant increased approximately 11%, weight of stems and leaves 13%, length of roots 13%, and weight of roots 14%, while number of fine roots increased and roots grown closer to the surface; and, (d) the tuber yield increased approximately 7% with an increase on net income of 1900¥per mu. Thus, relay cropping and mulching were recommended for yam cultivation.
Key words:
- yam /
- relay cropping /
- mulching
表 1 不同处理对山药茎段萌发时间及幼苗生长的影响
Table 1. Effects of cultivation practices on germination time and seedling growth of yam plants
种植方式 茎段萌发时间/d 株高/cm 最早 最迟 平均 最高 最矮 平均 山药套种玉米模式 32 58 43.25±4.41a 121.4 42.7 83.81±19.10a 山药单作模式CK 36 53 43.70±5.52a 113.7 51.2 81.14±19.46a 注:植株高度测量时间在6月中旬(即在玉米收割后)。 表 2 山药畦面覆盖玉米秸秆对土壤理化性质的影响
Table 2. Effect of mulching with maize straws on physicochemical properties of soil during vine growing period of yam
试验处理 土壤含水量/% 土壤总孔隙度/% 土壤有机质含量/% 畦面覆盖玉米秸秆 11.84±0.33aA 50.64±0.53aA 2.14±0.04aA 未覆盖处理CK 9.42±0.12bB 47.50±0.49bB 1.83±0.01bB 注:土壤的理化性质调查时间为玉米倒割1个月后(即7月中旬)。 表 3 山药畦面覆盖玉米秸秆茎叶生长情况
Table 3. Effect of mulching with maize straws on growth of stems and shoots of a yam plant
试验处理 分枝数/条 主茎长度/m 地上部茎叶总重量/kg 基部 全株 畦面覆盖玉米秸秆 3.3±1.13 a 8.1±1.07a 3.51±0.16a 0.530±0.036a 未覆盖处理CK 2.9±1.25a 7.3±1.30b 3.42±0.18a 0.469±0.053b 注:表中山药茎叶生长数据是在8月上旬所测。 表 4 山药畦面覆盖玉米秸秆根系生长情况
Table 4. Effect of mulching with maize straws on root growth of a yam plant
试验处理 根数/条 根平均长度/cm 根系总重量/g 畦面覆盖玉米秸秆 16.5±1.92a 47.02±2.24aA 11.24±0.49aA 未覆盖处理CK 15.7±1.80a 41.58±2.84bB 9.85±0.42bB 注:表中山药根系生长数据是在8月上旬所测。 表 5 两种不同种植方式山药产量比较
Table 5. Yields of yams under two cultivation practices
种植方式 单株块茎平均重/kg 小区产量/kg 折成667 m2产量/kg Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ 平均 山药套种玉米模式 0.58 116.2 114.4 117.0 115.9 115.4 115.78aA 2315.6 山药单作模式CK 0.54 105.1 106.3 108.4 114.6 106.2 108.12bA 2162.4 注:表中小区试验面积为33.4 m2。 表 6 两种不同种植方式经济效益
Table 6. Yields and financial returns of two cultivation practices on yam
种植方式 产量/kg 产值/万元 生产成本/万元 净利润/万元 山药套种玉米模式 甜玉米428.5山药2 315.6 1.55 玉米种子85元、农药化肥150元、人工管理400元,地租800元、种薯1 400元、搭架用料1 500元、肥料及农药500元、整地及管理用工1 500元、挖薯用工1 000元等共计:0.73 0.82 山药单作模式CK 山药2 162.4 1.30 地租800元、种薯1 400元、搭架用料1 500元、肥料及农药500元、整地及管理用工1 500元、挖薯用工1 000元等共计:0.67 0.63 注:甜玉米市场价4元·kg-1,山药市场价6元·kg-1。 -
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