Carbohydrate Content and Amylase Activity in Germinating Seeds of Paris polyphylla Smith var. chinensis
摘要: 探讨七叶一枝花种子萌发不同阶段内含物质及淀粉酶活性变化规律,为七叶一枝花种子休眠解除和提高成苗率提供科学依据。以不同萌发阶段七叶一枝花种子为研究材料,采用显微镜观察、生理生化和质谱测定方法,研究淀粉含量、可溶性糖含量、α-淀粉酶活性、β-淀粉酶活性、总淀粉酶活性差异。结果表明,种子生理休眠解除后,淀粉酶被激活、淀粉被水解,淀粉酶活性不断下降,种子内贮存的淀粉、可溶性糖含量也逐渐减少,α-淀粉酶活性对七叶一枝花种子休眠解除及随后的发芽中起着决定性的作用。Abstract: The stored nutrients and amylase activity in the seeds of Paris polyphylla Smith var. chinensis at various stages of germination were determined in an attemptto improve seed germination and seedling emergence. The seeds were collected for morphological observations under a light microscope, as well as analyses of physiological, biochemical properties.Changes on the contents of starch and soluble sugars and the activities of α-amylase, β-amylase and total amylase during the seed dormancy and germination were monitored. The results showed that, at cessation of dormancy, the amylases in the seeds were activated and started to degrade starches. As the stored carbohydrates decreased, the amylase activity also declined gradually. α-amylase activity played a pivotal role in the dormancy termination and subsequent germination ofthe seeds of P. polyphylla.
表 1 贮藏物质与淀粉酶活性相关性
Table 1. Correlation analysis on stored carbohydrate content and amylase activity
酶活性淀粉含量 1.0000 可溶性糖含量 0.5796 1.0000 淀粉酶活性 0.4246 0.9449** 1.0000 α-淀粉酶活性 -0.1073 0.6006 0.8113* 1.0000 β-淀粉酶活性 0.6493 0.9522** 0.9150** 0.6092 1.0000 注:*、**分别表示0.05和0.01的显著水平。 -
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