Establishment and Validation of Allometric Growth Models for Tachypleus tridentatus
摘要: 为研究室温条件下中国鲎早期幼鲎的生长发育情况,于2014-2016年开展了中国鲎人工育苗及其早期幼鲎的培育研究,测定1~6龄期中国鲎幼鲎湿重、头胸部长、头胸部宽、腹部长、腹部宽、剑尾长和全长等生长指标,利用回归分析法获得了1~5龄期中国鲎幂函数回归方程,同时对湿重、头胸部长、头胸部宽、腹部长、腹部宽、剑尾长和全长等生长指标进行对数处理,获得了线性回归方程。除腹部长与头胸部宽回归方程的决定系数R2值为0.875外,其他均大于0.900,显著性均小于0.01,说明获得的回归方程拟合度较高。1~5龄期中国鲎湿重、剑尾长、全长与头胸部宽呈正生长关系,腹部宽与头胸部宽呈等速生长关系,头胸部长、腹部长和头胸部宽呈负生长关系。利用2015年人工育苗新获得的1龄期和2龄期幼鲎测定值对异速生长方程的拟合性进行了校验,同时利用新蜕壳发育成的6龄期幼鲎的测定值对异速生长方程的外推测能力进行了校验,校验结果表明:本研究获得的异速生长方程具有很好的拟合性和外推测性。Abstract: Growth of the early juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus was studied. At room temperature, T. tridentatus were artificially bred and cultivated from 2014 till 2016.The growth indices, including wet body weight, prosomal length and width, opisthosoma length and width as well as telson and whole lengths, of the fish were measured to establish power function models for the T. tridentatus of 1st to 5th instar age by regression analysis. The converted logarithmic growth indices were used to obtain linear regression equations, which showed a correlation coefficient, R2, for all except that of opisthosoma length vs. prosomal width, was greater than 0.900 at P < 0.01. The wet body weight and telson and whole lengths were positively allometric with the prosomal width; while the opisthosoma width, isometric with the prosomal width; and, the prosomal and opisthosoma lengths, negatively allometric with the prosomal width. Subsequently, separately measured data on T. tridentatus of 1st to 5th instar age as well as those of 6th instar age were entered the equations for validation. The results indicated all models fitted well with data and were highly extrapolatable.
Key words:
- Tachypleus tridentatus /
- allometric growth /
- regression analysis
表 1 1~5龄期中国鲎各项生长指标测定值(平均值±标准差)
Table 1. Body size (mean±SD) of T. tridentatus from 1st to 5th instar age
龄期 湿重
/mm1 0.023±0.002 3.41±0.19 6.13±0.23 3.21±0.17 4.98±0.25 - 6.61±0.25 2 0.038±0.003 4.53±0.26 8.02±0.31 3.17±0.15 6.53±0.27 2.56±0.29 10.27±0.47 3 0.096±0.011 5.37±0.57 10.62±0.62 4.61±0.41 8.51±0.51 6.90±0.71 16.86±1.19 4 0.222±0.029 7.58±0.61 15.44±0.65 5.93±0.70 12.65±0.62 12.16±0.94 25.51±1.78 5 0.476±0.038 9.43±1.59 19.98±0.77 7.76±1.35 15.20±0.95 17.51±1.09 34.98±1.71 注:“-”表示无测量值,因1龄期中国鲎无剑尾。 表 2 中国鲎1~5龄期异速生长方程
Table 2. Allometric growth models for T. tridentatus from 1st to 5th instar age
项目 幂函数曲线方程 线性方程* 决定系数R2 显著分析 湿重与头胸部宽 y=0.000205x2.567 y=-3.687+2.567x 0.986 <0.01 头胸部长与头胸部宽 y=0.759x0.838 y=-0.120+0.838x 0.932 <0.01 腹部长与头胸部宽 y=0.729x0.769 y=-0.137+0.769x 0.875 <0.01 腹部宽与头胸部宽 y=0.858x0.973 y=-0.067+0.973x 0.991 <0.01 剑尾长与头胸部宽 y=0.041x2.067 y=-1.385+2.067x 0.933 <0.01 全长与头胸部宽 y=0.547x1.407 y=-0.262+1.407x 0.982 <0.01 注:“*”为各生长指标测量值转换成对数(lg)值后的线性回归分析。 表 3 1龄期、2龄期和6龄期中国鲎测量值及预测区间
Table 3. Measured value and prediction interval of 1st, 2nd and 6th instar age of T. tridentatus
龄期 头胸部宽测定值/mm 湿重/g 头胸部长/mm 腹部长/mm 腹部宽/mm 剑尾长/mm 全长/mm 测定值 预测区间 测定值 预测区间 测定值 预测区间 测定值 预测区间 测定值 预测区间 测定值 预测区间 1 5.71 0.023 0.014~0.024 3.72 2.78~3.97 3.04 2.23~3.53 4.90 4.13~5.29 - - 6.76 5.49~7.46 5.78 0.022 0.015~0.025 3.38 2.81~4.00 3.08 2.25~3.56 5.04 4.18~5.35 - - 6.44 5.58~7.59 5.80 0.019 0.015~0.025 3.31 2.82~4.02 2.79 2.25~3.57 4.86 4.19~5.37 - - 6.09 5.61~7.63 6.21 0.023 0.018~0.030 3.84 2.98~4.25 3.32 2.37~3.76 5.01 4.48~5.74 - - 7.15 6.17~8.39 5.63 0.022 0.014~0.023 3.37 2.75~3.92 3.13 2.20~3.49 4.82 4.07~5.22 - - 6.50 5.38~7.32 5.89 0.022 0.015~0.026 3.35 2.86~4.07 2.91 2.28~3.61 4.86 4.25~5.45 - - 6.27 5.73~7.79 5.54 0.022 0.013~0.022 3.77 2.72~3.87 2.90 2.17~3.45 4.70 4.01~5.13 - - 6.65 5.26~7.15 5.68 0.023 0.014~0.024 3.49 2.77~3.95 3.16 2.22~3.52 4.84 4.11~5.26 - - 6.62 5.45~7.41 5.58 0.021 0.013~0.023 3.35 2.73~3.89 2.95 2.19~3.47 4.65 4.04~5.17 - - 6.29 5.31~7.23 5.78 0.022 0.015~0.025 3.53 2.81~4.00 3.03 2.25~3.56 4.82 4.18~5.35 - - 6.57 5.58~7.59 2 7.97 0.044 0.033~0.056 4.45 3.66~5.21 3.38 2.87~4.54 6.72 5.71~7.31 2.88 2.03~4.26 10.67 8.76~11.89 8.62 0.045 0.041~0.068 4.69 3.91~5.55 3.31 3.04~4.81 6.75 6.16~7.88 2.91 2.39~5.01 10.94 9.77~13.27 8.43 0.050 0.038~0.064 4.71 3.84~5.45 3.58 2.99~4.73 7.12 6.03~7.72 3.15 2.28~4.78 11.42 9.47~12.86 7.64 0.040 0.030~0.050 4.63 3.54~5.03 3.88 2.78~4.40 6.26 5.48~7.01 2.27 1.85~3.90 10.59 8.25~11.21 7.91 0.035 0.033~0.055 4.32 3.64~5.18 3.13 2.85~4.51 6.34 5.67~7.25 2.32 1.99~4.19 9.75 8.66~11.77 8.15 0.042 0.035~0.059 4.54 3.73~5.31 3.41 2.92~4.62 6.55 5.84~7.47 2.41 2.12~4.46 10.36 9.03~12.27 8.40 0.046 0.038~0.064 4.87 3.83~5.44 3.32 2.98~4.72 6.54 6.01~7.69 2.93 2.26~4.75 11.09 9.42~12.80 8.30 0.044 0.037~0.062 4.72 3.79~5.39 3.46 2.96~4.68 7.02 5.94~7.60 2.92 2.21~4.63 11.10 9.27~12.59 6.94 0.032 0.023~0.039 4.11 3.27~4.65 3.15 2.58~4.09 6.02 4.99~6.39 2.34 1.51~3.19 9.63 7.21~9.80 7.63 0.038 0.030~0.050 4.46 3.54~5.03 3.36 2.77~4.39 6.36 5.47~7.00 2.68 1.85~3.89 10.54 8.24~11.19 6 26.40 1.055 0.713~1.198 13.60 9.87~14.31 10.02 7.17~11.63 20.00 19.20~22.42 24.40 23.51~51.14 47.50 46.22~63.83 23.50 0.769 0.529~0.887 11.20 8.95~12.96 9.91 6.55~10.61 19.52 17.15~20.02 22.80 18.59~40.26 43.60 39.30~54.20 注:预测区间为95%置信区间。“-”表示无数据,因1龄期中国鲎无剑尾。 -
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