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林钒 陈登捷 张德晖 何金成

林钒,陈登捷,张德晖,等. 基于Logistic生长模型的钦蜜9号百香果成熟阶段判别 [J]. 福建农业学报,2024,39(7):785−793 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.07.005
引用本文: 林钒,陈登捷,张德晖,等. 基于Logistic生长模型的钦蜜9号百香果成熟阶段判别 [J]. 福建农业学报,2024,39(7):785−793 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.07.005
LIN F, CHEN D J, ZHANG D H, et al. Passion Fruit Ripening Stages Divided by Logistic Growth Model with Multiple Quantifiable Indicators [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2024,39(7):785−793 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.07.005
Citation: LIN F, CHEN D J, ZHANG D H, et al. Passion Fruit Ripening Stages Divided by Logistic Growth Model with Multiple Quantifiable Indicators [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2024,39(7):785−793 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.07.005


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.07.005
基金项目: 福建省星火计划项目(2020S0002);福建农林大学科技创新专项(KFA17024A)

    林钒(1999 —),男,硕士研究生,主要从事农业信息感知与分析处理研究,E-mail:13665084036@163.com


    何金成(1973 —),男,博士,教授,主要从事农业机械设计与性能测试研究,E-mail:bighjc@163.com

  • 中图分类号: S66

Passion Fruit Ripening Stages Divided by Logistic Growth Model with Multiple Quantifiable Indicators

  • 摘要:   目的  探究夏季百香果的生长发育与品质形成规律,并对百香果成熟阶段进行判别。  方法  采用钦蜜9号百香果作为试材,测定其横径、纵径、固酸比、可食率、果皮厚度、硬度等理化指标,利用Logistic生长模型分析理化指标随有效积温增长的变化规律,并应用因子分析法对百香果成熟度进行定量评价,最终划分成熟阶段。  结果  通过观测并记录百香果生长过程,发现其纵径、横径变化趋势符合“慢-快-慢”的生长曲线,分析得出百香果在有效积温达到440 ℃·d时,基本完成果实膨大。随后以固酸比、可食率、果皮厚度、硬度为品质指标,其中固酸比与可食率指标呈现S型增长趋势,果皮厚度与硬度呈现三次函数下降趋势,并且品质指标与有效积温之间存在显著的相关性。利用因子分析方法构建百香果成熟度评价指标IM,采用Logistic生长函数建立百香果成熟度数学模型,模型拟合优度达99.25%,计算得出t1 t2t3 等3个生长分界点。最终确定有效积温为475~736 ℃·d时,果实处于果肉增重阶段;有效积温为736~997 ℃·d时,果实处于转色阶段;有效积温为997~1200 ℃·d时,果实处于成熟阶段。  结论  本研究量化分析了百香果成熟度,能够较好划分果肉增重期、转色期、成熟期三个成熟阶段,为百香果适时机械化采摘与贮藏管理提供依据。
  • 图  1  有效积温与百香果外形指标变化关系

    Figure  1.  Relationship between GDD and fruit appearance indicators

    图  2  400~1200 ℃·d有效积温黄金百香果外、内部动态变化

    图中编号1~9分别表示400~1200 ℃·d有效积温。

    Figure  2.  External and internal changes on passion fruit under GDD of 400–1 200 ℃·d

    Codes 1–9 represent GDD of 400–1 200 ℃·d, respectively.

    图  3  有效积温与品质指标变化的关系


    Figure  3.  Relationship between GDD and quality indicators of passion fruit

    Different lowercase letters in the figure indicate significant differences in quality indicators among different GDD at 0.05 level.

    图  4  有效积温与百香果成熟度评价指标变化的关系

    Figure  4.  Relationship between GDD and evaluation indicators for passion fruit maturity evaluation

    表  1  外形指标模型各参数取值

    Table  1.   Values of various parameters in the appearance index model

    模型参数 Model parameters 分界点 Boundary points
    a b k t1/(℃·d) t2/(℃·d) t3/(℃·d)
    Transverse diameter
    5.3231 ± 1.9487 0.02008 ± 0.00387 56.73 ± 5.38 17.682 83.27 148.857
    Longitudinal diameter
    3.9525 ± 1.2636 0.02111 ± 0.00480 58.52 ± 5.35 2.717 65.104 127.492
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    表  2  百香果品质指标拟合情况

    Table  2.   Fitting of fruit quality indicators

    Fitted equation
    拟合优度 R2 调整后R2
    Adjusted R2
    可食率 Pulp percentage $ y=\dfrac{0.56}{1+33.29{e}^{-0.006x}} $ 0.985 0.980
    固酸比 Solid acid ratio $ y=\dfrac{18.24}{1+90.09{e}^{-0.004x}} $ 0.986 0.981
    果皮厚度 Pericarp thickness y=29.40−0.07x+7.79×10−5x2−2.82×10−8x3 0.942 0.908
    硬度 Firmness y=202.35−0.11x−2.92×10−4x2+1.47×10−7x3 0.989 0.982
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    表  3  品质指标的相关性分析

    Table  3.   Correlations among quality indicators of passion fruit

    Quality indicators
    Pulp percentage
    Solid acid ratio
    Pericarp thickness/mm
    有效积温 GDD 1
    可食率 Pulp percentage 0.849** 1
    固酸比 Solid acid ratio 0.960** 0.822** 1
    果皮厚度 Pericarp thickness −0.587** −0.714** −0.531** 1
    硬度 Firmness −0.874** −0.823** −0.866** 0.542** 1
    **P<0.01 极显著相关。
    ** indicates extremely significant correlation at 0.01 level.
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    表  4  成分载荷矩阵和贡献率

    Table  4.   Load matrix and contribution rates of components

    指标 Index 载荷值 Load value
    F1 F2 F3 F4
    Initial eigenvalue
    3.166 0.561 0.140 0.133
    Variance contribution rate/%
    79.151 14.024 3.492 3.333
    Cumulative variance contribution rate/%
    79.151 93.174 96.667 100.000
    Pulp percentage
    0. 948 −0. 039
    Solid acid ratio
    0. 915 0. 292
    Pericarp thickness
    −0. 767 0. 631
    −0. 918 −0. 276
    Data extraction was based on component analysis. Principal components F1–F4 represent new variables obtained from linear transformation of original variables, respectively.
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    表  5  不同成熟阶段品质指标

    Table  5.   Quality indicators of passion fruit at stages of maturity

    Different maturity stages
    Pulp percentage
    Solid acid ratio
    Pericarp thickness/mm
    Pulp weight gain period
    0.224±0.117c 1.471±0.485c 8.86±2.77a 196.4±7.1a
    Color-changed period
    0.426±0.074b 5.724±1.806b 7.17±0.89b 171.1±9.6b
    Ripeness period
    0.543±0.029a 10.217±1.234a 6.23±0.60b 161.2±3.8c
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