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王荣波 石茗月 徐月华 刘裴清 卞润恬 翁启勇 李本金

王荣波,石茗月,徐月华,等. 福建省芋疫霉交配型测定及防治药剂筛选 [J]. 福建农业学报,2024,39(7):810−818 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.07.008
引用本文: 王荣波,石茗月,徐月华,等. 福建省芋疫霉交配型测定及防治药剂筛选 [J]. 福建农业学报,2024,39(7):810−818 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.07.008
WANG R B, SHI M Y, XU Y H, et al. Mating Type and Effective Control of Phytophthora colocasiae in Fujian [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2024,39(7):810−818 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.07.008
Citation: WANG R B, SHI M Y, XU Y H, et al. Mating Type and Effective Control of Phytophthora colocasiae in Fujian [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2024,39(7):810−818 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.07.008


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2024.07.008
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(32072400);福建省农业科学院科技创新团队建设项目(CXTD2021002-1);厦门市重大科技项目(3502Z20221018);福建省农业高质量发展超越“5511”协同创新工程项目(XTCXGC2021011、 XTCXGC2021017)

    王荣波(1988 —),男,博士,助理研究员,主要从事植物病理及分子生物学研究,E-mail:wrb16128@163.com


    翁启勇(1962 — ),男,硕士,研究员,主要从事作物有害生物综合治理技术研究,E-mail:wengqy@faas.cn

    李本金(1969 —),女,研究员,主要从事植物病理及分子生物学研究,E-mail:lbenjin@126.com

  • 中图分类号: S436.67

Mating Type and Effective Control of Phytophthora colocasiae in Fujian

  • 摘要:   目的  明确福建省芋疫霉交配型,筛选可用于防治芋疫病的化学药剂。  方法  对2020年采集自福建4个地区的芋疫病样本进行病原菌分离纯化,结合形态特征观察、致病性测定和Ypt1序列同源性分析对病原菌进行鉴定,通过与辣椒疫霉A1、A2交配型菌株对峙培养来测定其交配型,并利用菌丝生长法测定6种杀菌剂对病原菌的室内毒力。  结果  通过形态特征观察、致病性测定和ITS-LSU-Ypt1融合序列同源性分析,明确所分离病原菌均为芋疫霉(Phytophthora colocasiae)。交配型测定发现,所分离的125个芋疫霉菌株中,122个为A2交配型,3个为A1A2交配型。室内药剂筛选结果表明,98%甲霜灵对芋疫霉抑菌效果最好,EC50值为(0.146±0.032) μg·mL−1;95%烯酰吗啉、98%氟吡菌胺和94%氰霜唑抑菌效果较好,EC50值介于(0.239±0.011)~(0.713±0.088) μg·mL−1;而95%嘧菌酯的抑菌活性最低,EC50值为(23.447±3.666) μg·mL−1  结论  福建省芋疫霉以A2交配型为优势群体,甲霜灵、烯酰吗啉、氟吡菌胺和氰霜唑可作为芋疫病高效防控的轮换使用药剂。
  • 图  1  芋疫病的田间发病症状


    Figure  1.  Symptoms of taro blight in the field

    A-B: symptom on infected leaves; C: symptom on infected stems; D: symptom on infected tubers.

    图  2  病原菌的致病性测定

    接种5 d后芋叶片正面(A)和背面(B)发病症状,CK:无菌水接种,a~c:来自福建不同地区的代表性分离菌株。

    Figure  2.  Pathogenicity of isolates

    Disease symptoms on front (A) and back (B) of taro leaves 5 d after inoculation; CK: inoculated by aseptic water ; a–c: representative isolates from various districts in Fujian.

    图  3  病原菌的形态特征


    Figure  3.  Morphology of blight pathogen

    A: colonies of isolated strains; B: mycelia; C: sporangium.

    图  4  基于ITS-LSU-Ypt1基因联合序列构建的系统发育树


    Figure  4.  Phylogenetic tree constructed based the combined sequences of ITS-LSU-Ypt1

    Data above each branch indicate bootstrap values from neighbor-joining method as percentages in 1 000 replicates; red diamonds indicate isolated pathogens.

    图  5  福建省芋疫霉菌株交配型测定


    Figure  5.  Mating types of P. colocasiae from Fujian

    A: culture of individual P. colocasiae isolate; B: confrontation culture between isolate and P. capsici strain of A1 mating type; C: confrontation culture between isolate and P. capsici strain of A2 mating type; D: oogonium, oospore, and antheridium.

    表  1  福建不同地区芋疫霉交配型构成

    Table  1.   Mating types of P. colocasiae strains in different areas of Fujian

    Number of isolates
    A2 mating type
    A1A2 mating type
    Number of isolates
    Number of isolates
    龙岩 Longyan373528.021.6
    福州 Fuzhou313124.800.0
    南平 Nanping292822.410.8
    宁德 Ningde282822.400.0
    总计 Total12512297.632.4
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    表  2  6种杀菌剂对福建省不同地区芋疫霉的室内毒力测定结果

    Table  2.   Inhibition effects of 6 fungicides against P. colocasiae from regions infected by taro blight in Fujian

    Source of isolate
    Toxicity equation
    Correlation coefficient(r)
    EC50 /(μg·mL−1)
    Mean±SE /(μg·mL−1)
    98% 甲霜灵
    98% Metalaxyl
    龙岩 y=1.2251x + 7.7317 0.9991 0.108 0.146±0.032
    福州 y=1.404x + 7.3045 0.9790 0.194
    南平 y=0.9833x + 7.0201 0.9871 0.128
    宁德 y=0.9689x + 6.81 0.9780 0.154
    98% 霜脲氰
    98% Cymoxanil
    龙岩 y=0.3639x+4.7535 0.9262 1.969 2.125±0.753
    福州 y=0.5661x + 4.8864 0.9664 1.222
    南平 y=0.4829x + 4.4215 0.9717 3.313
    宁德 y=1.0471x + 4.2766 0.986 0 1.995
    98% 氟吡菌胺
    98% Fluopicolide
    龙岩 y=2.8279x + 7.1018 0.9467 0.476 0.370±0.064
    福州 y=1.7423x + 7.0719 0.9618 0.304
    南平 y=1.8045x + 6.9453 0.9748 0.340
    宁德 y=2.0973x + 7.1405 0.9205 0.360
    95% 嘧菌酯
    95% azoxystrobin
    龙岩 y=0.3594x+3.9249 0.9060 19.917 23.447±3.666
    福州 y=0.2455x+4.2175 0.9675 24.220
    南平 y=0.4168x+3.7405 0.9712 20.530
    宁德 y=0.4742x+3.4013 0.9047 29.120
    94% 氰霜唑
    94% cyazofamid
    龙岩 y=0.1778x+5.0507 0.9722 0.753 0.713±0.088
    福州 y=0.2725x+5.0668 0.9314 0.783
    南平 y=0.2603x + 5.0734 0.9046 0.754
    宁德 y=0.5180x+5.2986 0.9486 0.562
    95% 烯酰吗啉
    95% dimethomorth
    龙岩 y=3.5896x + 10.272 0.9738 0.230 0.239±0.011
    福州 y=3.3262x + 9.9644 0.9889 0.225
    南平 y=3.6195x + 10.017 0.9807 0.250
    宁德 y=3.6711x + 10.101 0.9776 0.249
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