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舒珊 高中南 袁听 陈强 朱志炎 何勇 叶开温 田志宏

舒珊, 高中南, 袁听, 陈强, 朱志炎, 何勇, 叶开温, 田志宏. 印度梨形孢最适培养基的筛选及其对水稻的促生作用研究[J]. 福建农业学报, 2019, 34(2): 155-161. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.02.003
引用本文: 舒珊, 高中南, 袁听, 陈强, 朱志炎, 何勇, 叶开温, 田志宏. 印度梨形孢最适培养基的筛选及其对水稻的促生作用研究[J]. 福建农业学报, 2019, 34(2): 155-161. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.02.003
SHU Shan, GAO Zhong-nan, YUAN Ting, CHEN Qiang, ZHU Zhi-yan, HE Yong, YE Kai-wun, TIAN Zhi-hong. Optimized Culture Medium and Effect of Piriformospora indica on Growth of Rice Plants[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2019, 34(2): 155-161. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.02.003
Citation: SHU Shan, GAO Zhong-nan, YUAN Ting, CHEN Qiang, ZHU Zhi-yan, HE Yong, YE Kai-wun, TIAN Zhi-hong. Optimized Culture Medium and Effect of Piriformospora indica on Growth of Rice Plants[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2019, 34(2): 155-161. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.02.003


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.02.003

科技部农业科技成果转化资金项目 2009GB2D100235

湖北省生物菌肥工程技术研究中心资助项目 GCZX2012042


    舒珊(1994-), 女, 硕士研究生, 研究方向:植物生物技术(E-mail:1145922026@qq.com)


    叶开温(1952-), 男, 博士, 教授, 博士生导师, 研究方向:植物分子生物学(E-mail:ykwbppp@ntu.edu.tw)

    田志宏(1966-), 男, 博士, 教授, 博士生导师, 研究方向:植物遗传与分子生物学(E-mail:zhtian@yangtzeu.edu.cn)

  • 中图分类号: S154

Optimized Culture Medium and Effect of Piriformospora indica on Growth of Rice Plants

  • 摘要:   目的  内生真菌印度梨形孢Piriformospora indicaPi)可定殖在多种植物根系中,促进植物生长发育,增强植物抗逆性。  方法  将印度梨形孢接种至8种供试培养基中,测定其在8种培养基中的生长速率,并将印度梨形孢与水稻幼苗共培养,分析印度梨形孢对水稻幼苗株高、叶长、根长、根数、鲜重和叶绿素含量等生物学性状的影响。  结果  8种供试培养基中,V8培养基是最适合印度梨形孢生长的培养基,且加入一定量蔗糖能进一步促进印度梨形孢的生长;研究还发现,接种了印度梨形孢的水稻株高、叶长、根长、根数、叶绿素含量和地上地下部鲜质量都显著高于对照;与对照相比,接种印度梨形孢20 d后的水稻,其株高增高了32.36%,叶绿素含量提高了15.88%。  结论  印度梨形孢是通过增加光合作用和增强根系生理机能,从而促进水稻的生长发育。
  • 图  1  印度梨形孢在不同固体培养基上培养5、7和10 d时的形态

    注:A为V8;B为农夫果园芒果;C为农夫果园橙子;D为农夫果园番茄;E为PDA;F为Aspergillus;G为MS;H为康乃馨。图 2同。

    Figure  1.  Morphology of Pi cultured on solid media for 5 d, 7 d and 10 d

    Note:A:V8;B:Farmer orchard mango; C:Farmer orchard orange; D:Farmer orchard tomato; E:PDA; F:Aspergillus; G:MS; H:Carnation.Same for Fig. 2.

    图  2  印度梨形孢在不同液体培养基中培养7 d时的形态


    Figure  2.  Morphology of Pi in suspension cultures for 7 d

    Note:A:V8;B:Farmer orchard mango; C:Farmer orchard orange; D:Farmer orchard tomato; E:PDA; F:Aspergillus; G:MS; H:Carnation.

    图  3  印度梨形孢在含不同碳源的V8培养基上培养3 d、5 d和7 d时的形态


    Figure  3.  Morphology of Pi cultured on Medium V8 with varied carbon sources for 5 d, 7 d and 10 d

    Note:A:Medium V8 with 1% sucrose; B:V8;C:Medium V8 with 1% glucose; D:Medium V8 with 1% fructose.

    图  4  印度梨形孢在水稻根部的定殖

    Figure  4.  Colonization of Pi on rice roots

    图  5  印度梨形孢对水稻幼苗生长的影响

    注:A为水稻种子萌发7 d;B为水稻幼苗与Pi共培养7 d;C为水稻幼苗与Pi共培养20 d。

    Figure  5.  Effect of Pi on growth of rice seedlings

    Note:A:Rice seedlings 7 d after seed germination; B:Rice seedlings co-cultured with Pi for 7 d; C:Rice seedlings co-cultured with Pi for 20 d.

    表  1  印度梨形孢在不同固体培养基上的生长速率

    Table  1.   Growth rates of Pi on solid media

    纯生长量Net growth /cm
    5 d 7 d 10 d
    V8 7.32±0.065 7.50 7.50
    农夫果园芒果Farmer orchard mango 7.01±0.047 7.50 7.50
    农夫果园橙子Farmer orchard orange 7.00±0.044 7.50 7.50
    农夫果园番茄Farmer orchard tomato 6.92±0.087 7.50 7.50
    PDA 3.03±0.097 4.70±0.079 7.38±0.044
    Aspergillus 3.12±0.055 4.15±0.081 6.12±0.051
    MS 2.51±0.117 3.97±0.101 5.57±0.047
    康乃馨Carnation 2.00±0.036 3.22±0.051 4.69±0.035
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    表  2  印度梨形孢在不同液体培养基中的质量变化

    Table  2.   Weight of Pi in suspension media

    5 d 7 d 10 d
    Fresh weight/g
    Dry weight/g
    Fresh weight/g
    Dry weight/g
    Fresh weight/g
    Dry weight/g
    V8 3.931±0.121 0.776±0.013 3.034±0.163 0.788±0.007 2.412±0.035 0.797±0.005
    Aspergillus 2.410±0.036 0.480±0.007 3.909±0.048 0.776±0.009 2.909±0.082 0.792±0.007
    PDA 2.319±0.035 0.463±0.007 3.662±0.064 0.732±0.012 3.224±0.036 0.795±0.007
    农夫果园番茄Farmer orchard tomato 2.236±0.015 0.447±0.005 3.595±0.039 0.717±0.006 3.334±0.049 0.794±0.005
    农夫果园橙子Farmer orchard orange 1.298±0.013 0.253±0.004 2.704±0.014 0.537±0.004 3.945±0.048 0.790±0.008
    农夫果园芒果Farmer orchard mango 0.459±0.009 0.089±0.002 0.893±0.008 0.179±0.004 2.098±0.021 0.407±0.005
    MS 0.343±0.007 0.067±0.001 0.616±0.006 0.121±0.003 1.490±0.014 0.295±0.002
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    表  3  印度梨形孢在含不同碳源的V8培养基上的生长速率

    Table  3.   Growth rates of Pi on Medium V8 with varied carbon sources

    纯生长量Net growth /cm
    5 d 7 d 10 d
    V8 3.23±0.09 5.87±0.17 7.19±0.06
    V8+蔗糖V8+Sucrose 3.89±0.14** 6.46±0.16** 7.39±0.04**
    V8+葡萄糖V8+Glucose 2.89±0.12* 4.95±0.23** 6.61±0.27*
    V8+果糖V8+ Fructose 2.94±0.10* 4.98±0.18** 6.59±0.23*
    Note: * or ** indicates statistically significant or extremely significant differences between sugar treatment and control (t-test).
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    表  4  印度梨形孢对水稻幼苗生物学性状的影响

    Table  4.   Effect of Pi on biological properties of co-cultured rice

    Biological characteristics
    P. indica处理
    P. indica treatment
    株高Plant height /cm 13.54±0.89** 10.23±0.74
    最大叶长Maximum leaf length /cm 8.39±0.7 ** 6.67±0.82
    最大叶宽Maximum leaf width /cm 2.39±0.26 2.34±0.33
    根长Root length /cm 5.51±0.83** 4.65±0.56
    根数Number of roots 10.3±1.25* 9.3±1.06
    根鲜重Root fresh weight/g 0.019±0.002* 0.016±0.002
    地上部鲜重Aboveground fresh weight/g 0.049±0.003 ** 0.038±0.005
    Chlorophyll content /(mg·g-1)
    6.35±0.21** 5.48±0.33
    Note: * or ** indicates statistically significant or extremely significant differences between Pi processing and control data(T.TEST).
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