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张立成 李娟 章明清 姚建族

张立成,李娟,章明清,等. 不同轮作施肥模式对菜田作物产量及养分吸收的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2021,36(10):1194−1202 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.10.011
引用本文: 张立成,李娟,章明清,等. 不同轮作施肥模式对菜田作物产量及养分吸收的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2021,36(10):1194−1202 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.10.011
ZHANG L C, LI J, ZHANG M Q, et al. Effects of Crop Rotation and Fertilization on Yield and Nutrient Absorption of Vegetables/Rice [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2021,36(10):1194−1202 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.10.011
Citation: ZHANG L C, LI J, ZHANG M Q, et al. Effects of Crop Rotation and Fertilization on Yield and Nutrient Absorption of Vegetables/Rice [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2021,36(10):1194−1202 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.10.011


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.10.011
基金项目: 福建省农业科学院自由探索项目(ZYTS2019015);福建省农业科学院青年英才项目(YC2019005)




  • 中图分类号: S 158.3

Effects of Crop Rotation and Fertilization on Yield and Nutrient Absorption of Vegetables/Rice

  • 摘要:   目的  探讨菜田不同轮作施肥模式对作物产量稳定性和养分吸收状况的影响。  方法  利用连续6年田间定位试验,测定每个轮作周年内各季作物的产量,根据产量水平及其变异系数,分析菜-菜-稻和菜-菜-菜2种轮作体系分别在推荐施肥和习惯施肥模式下作物的产量稳定性;根据每个轮作周年各季作物农产品和茎叶的养分含量测定结果,分析不同轮作施肥模式对氮、磷、钾养分吸收、积累和利用效率的影响。  结果  菜-菜-稻轮作在推荐施肥模式下四季豆、芥菜、水稻产量分别比习惯施肥模式增产9.07%、7.77%和8.43%。菜-菜-菜轮作在推荐施肥模式下四季豆、芥菜、豇豆产量分别比习惯施肥模式增产7.24%、−0.88%和7.54%。轮作施肥模式主要影响四季豆和豇豆的养分利用效率,菜-菜-稻轮作在推荐施肥模式下四季豆作物吸收氮、磷、钾养分利用效率分别比习惯施肥增加13.50%、10.43%、12.16%;菜-菜-菜轮作在推荐施肥模式下豇豆作物吸收钾养分利用效率比习惯施肥增加12.84%。菜-菜-稻轮作中采用推荐施肥模式各季作物的年度养分积累量显著高于习惯施肥,而菜-菜-菜轮作中推荐施肥与习惯施肥对作物的年度养分积累量差异不显著。  结论  菜-菜-稻轮作结合推荐施肥模式能够促进轮作周年内各季作物高产稳产,并能够提高作物的养分吸收利用率和年度养分积累量,为最佳种植模式。
  • 图  1  不同轮作施肥模式下四季豆、芥菜、早稻和豇豆的年度产量动态

    Figure  1.  Annual yields of kidney beans, mustard green, rice, and cowpeas under treatments

    图  2  不同轮作施肥处理各季作物吸收氮、磷、钾养分利用效率


    Figure  2.  N, P, and K uptake efficiency of vegetables/rice under treatments

    Note: Data with different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between different treatments at P<0.05.

    图  3  不同轮作施肥模式对作物吸收氮、磷、钾年度累积量回归分析

    Figure  3.  Regression analysis on annual accumulation and NPK absorption of experiment plots of vegetables/rice under treatments

    表  1  一年三熟制轮作施肥定位试验设计方案

    Table  1.   Experimental design of 3-crops rotation and fertilization on vegetables and/or rice

    Crop rotation Fertilization mode
    N-P2O5-K2O amount of fertilizer/(kg·hm−2
    Kidney beam (The first)
    Mustard leaf (The second)
    Early rice (The third)
    Cowpea (The third)
    Note: the planting time of kidney bean is from early September to the end of November, and mustard leaf is from early December to the end of February, rice and cowpea are planted from early April to the end of July. V-V-V means the vegetable-vegetable-vegetable rotation, V-V-R means the vegetable-vegetable-rice rotation, RF means the recommended fertilization, CF means the conventional fertilization.
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    表  2  不同轮作施肥模式对供试作物产量的影响

    Table  2.   Effect on crop yield under treatments

    四季豆 Kidney beam芥菜 Mustard leaf早稻 Early rice豇豆 Cowpea
    Average yield/
    Coefficient of
    Average yield/
    Coefficient of
    Average yield/
    Coefficient of
    Average yield/
    Coefficient of
    T1 23.25±2.09 a 8.99 57.95±13.27 a 22.90 7.47±0.45 a 6.02
    T2 20.31±3.31 c 16.30 47.93±16.11 c 33.61 16.32±4.22 a 25.86
    T3 21.14±2.03 b 9.60 53.45±15.43 b 28.87 6.84±0.49 b 7.16
    T4 18.84±3.31 d 17.57 48.35±17.30 c 35.78 15.09±3.57 b 23.66
    Note: the products of kidney bean and mustard and cowpea are the fresh weight, and that of early rice is the dry weight. Data with different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between different treatments at P<0.05 . The same as follows.
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    表  3  2014至2019年不同轮作施肥处理各季作物氮、磷、钾平均含量(单位:%)

    Table  3.   Average N, P, and K contents of vegetables/rice under treatments, 2014–2019

    Nutriment element
    Kidney beam
    Mustard leaf
    Early rice
    氮 N T1 4.28 a 2.33 c 3.65 a 1.53 a 1.02 a
    T2 3.93 b 2.45 b 3.71 a 3.46 a 1.53 a
    T3 4.02 b 2.54 a 3.73 a 1.42 b 0.99 a
    T4 4.20 a 2.42 b 3.73 a 3.41 a 1.59 a
    磷 P T1 0.55 a 0.31 a 0.73 a 0.31 b 0.16 a
    T2 0.53 a 0.31 a 0.67 a 0.67 a 0.36 a
    T3 0.53 a 0.32 a 0.71 a 0.38 a 0.15 a
    T4 0.54 a 0.29 a 0.72 a 0.62 a 0.37 a
    钾 K T1 3.10 a 2.22 b 5.01 b 1.03 b 4.03 a
    T2 2.85 b 2.42 a 4.99 b 2.89 a 3.99 a
    T3 2.89 b 2.29 b 5.03 b 1.12 a 3.99 a
    T4 3.00 a 2.31 b 5.19 a 1.93 b 4.01 a
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    表  4  不同轮作施肥模式处理氮、磷、钾年度养分吸收积累量灰度线性模型

    Table  4.   Linear grey model on NPK absorption of vegetables/rice as affected by treatments

    N nutrient accumulation
    P nutrient accumulation
    K nutrient accumulation
    95% confidence
    interval of b
    95% confidence
    interval of b
    95% confidence
    interval of b
    T1 y=0.085+1.293t 0.994 1.15~1.43 y=−0.032+0.242t 1.000 0.23~0.26 y=−0.158+1.549t 1.000 1.47~1.63
    T2 y=0.311+0.852t 0.955 0.60~1.11 y=0.025+0.147t 0.997 0.12~0.18 y=0.0311+1.013t 0.986 0.85~1.18
    T3 y=0.098+1.199t 0.994 1.07~1.33 y=−0.068+0.235t 1.000 0.23~0.24 y=−0.286+1.374t 1.000 1.26~1.49
    T4 y=0.380+0.883t 0.958 0.63~1.14 y=0.020+0.155t 0.981 0.13~0.18 y=0.379+1.046t 0.988 0.89~1.21
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  • 收稿日期:  2021-04-19
  • 修回日期:  2021-07-01
  • 网络出版日期:  2021-10-23
  • 刊出日期:  2021-10-28


