Quality and Functional Ingredients of Anoectochilus roxburghii (Wall.) Lindl. Dried at Various Dehydration Temperatures
摘要: 采用不同温度对金线兰新鲜植株进行烘干处理,并进行品质特征、折干率、总黄酮和多糖含量的测定比较,结果表明,不同烘干温度处理后,金线兰植株的颜色、外形和香气滋味有差异;折干率随着烘干温度的升高而降低;不同烘干温度的总黄酮与多糖含量存在显著差异,60℃处理的多糖与总黄酮含量最高,100℃恒定高温烘干的干样二者含量最低。高温杀青后于低温下烘干其折干率、多糖与总黄酮含量都降低。综合金线兰的品质特性、折干率及其主要成分含量,建议金线兰适宜的烘干温度为60℃。Abstract: Fresh Anoectochilus roxburghii plants were dehydrated under different temperatures to compare the differences on the drying rate as well as the quality and contents of total flavonoids and polysaccharides of the finished products to optimize the process. The results indicated that the temperature invariably caused variations on the color, appearance and flavor of the products. The drying rate decreased as the temperature increased. The contents of flavonoids and polysaccharides were significantly affected by the temperature applied. They peaked when dehydrated at 60℃, and reached the lowest levels at 100℃. High-temperature blanching followed by cool drying lowered the drying rate as well as the contents of functional ingredients. Consequently, 60℃ was considered the most appropriate temperature for dehydration of A. emroxburghii.
表 1 不同烘干温度下金线兰品质特征
Table 1. Quality indicators of A. roxburghii dried at varied temperatures
加工温度 品质特征 所需干燥时间/h 外形 汤色 香气滋味 叶底 W1 叶背焦黄色或棕红色,叶表面棕黄色,网脉黄色,匀整,醇香 棕红色,清澈明亮 醇厚 匀齐 约2 W2 叶背浅红棕色,叶表面黄绿色,网脉黄色至红棕色,匀整,微香 棕红色,清澈明亮 醇厚 匀齐 约3 W3 叶背红棕色,叶表面墨绿色,网脉浅黄色至红棕色,尚匀整,叶片稍皱缩,微香 棕红色,清澈明亮 醇厚 匀齐 约9 W4 叶背黄棕色,叶表面墨绿色,网脉红色,欠匀整,叶片皱缩,无香气 棕红色,清澈明亮 醇香稍涩 匀齐 约42 W5 叶背红棕色,叶表面墨绿色至焦黄色,网脉浅黄色至焦黄色,匀整,微香 棕红色,清澈明亮 醇厚 匀齐 约7 W6 叶背红棕色,叶表面墨绿色,网脉浅黄色至焦黄色,尚匀整,叶片稍皱缩,微香 棕红色,清澈明亮 醇厚 匀齐 约16 表 2 不同烘干温度下金线兰的折干率
Table 2. Drying rate of A.roxburghii under varied dehydration temperatures
加工温度 含水量为零的折干率/% W1 7.51±0.0001aA W2 9.38±0.0005bB W3 9.59±0.0007cC W4 9.82±0.0005dD W5 9.52±0.0004cC W6 9.54±0.0003cC 注:同列不同大、小写字母表示在0.01水平差异极显著;小写字母表示在0.05水平差异显著。表 3同。 表 3 不同烘干温度下金线兰多糖和总黄酮含量
Table 3. Contents of total flavonoids and polysaccharides of A. roxburghii dried at varied temperatures
不同温度 多糖含量/% 总黄酮含量/% W1 4.93±0.097cC 0.83±0.0188dD W2 7.56±0.2303bB 0.90±0.0199cCD W3 10.44±0.8542aA 1.06±0.0342aA W4 10.00±0.2566aA 0.96±0.0388bcBC W5 5.22±0.2182cC 1.01±0.0330abAB W6 7.54±0.2061bB 0.94±0.0401cBC -
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