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姚锦爱 黄鹏 陈汉鑫 侯翔宇 余德亿

姚锦爱,黄鹏,陈汉鑫,等. 多肉植物红心莲茎腐病尖孢镰刀菌LAMP快速检测技术的建立 [J]. 福建农业学报,2020,35(8):863−868 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.08.008
引用本文: 姚锦爱,黄鹏,陈汉鑫,等. 多肉植物红心莲茎腐病尖孢镰刀菌LAMP快速检测技术的建立 [J]. 福建农业学报,2020,35(8):863−868 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.08.008
YAO J A, HUANG P, CHEN H X, et al. A LAMP Assay for Rapid Detection of Stem Rot Fusarium oxysporum on Succulent Plant, Echeveria Perle von Nürnberg [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2020,35(8):863−868 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.08.008
Citation: YAO J A, HUANG P, CHEN H X, et al. A LAMP Assay for Rapid Detection of Stem Rot Fusarium oxysporum on Succulent Plant, Echeveria Perle von Nürnberg [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2020,35(8):863−868 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.08.008


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.08.008
基金项目: 福建省科技计划公益类专项(2018R1025-2);福建省农业科学院项目(STIT2017-2-2、DEC201907)




  • 中图分类号: S 476

A LAMP Assay for Rapid Detection of Stem Rot Fusarium oxysporum on Succulent Plant, Echeveria Perle von Nürnberg

  • 摘要:   目的  建立一种景天科多肉植物红心莲茎腐病菌尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum)快速、简便、灵敏的LAMP可视化检测方法,在茎腐病发生初期实现病原菌的快速准确检测,为病害的早期监测、诊断及防治提供依据。  方法  以EF-1a(Elongation factor-1α)基因序列为靶序列,设计LAMP(Loopmediated isothermal amplification)特异性引物;以红心莲尖孢镰刀菌DNA为模板,优化反应温度和反应时间,建立LAMP检测反应体系,开展特异性和灵敏度验证及田间病株检测。  结果  建立的LAMP反应体系可有效检测出多肉植物红心莲茎腐病尖孢镰刀菌,最佳反应温度、反应时间分别为65 ℃,60 min;特异性验证表明红心莲尖孢镰刀菌DNA呈绿色阳性反应,灵敏度验证表明LAMP检测最小质量浓度是10 fg·μL−1,比常规PCR提高了10倍;采用LAMP法对15份疑似红心莲茎腐病田间样本进行快速检测,检出率为100%。  结论  本研究建立的多肉植物红心莲茎腐病菌LAMP快速检测方法不仅特异性强、灵敏度高,而且检测结果可视、假阳性低,适合田间尖孢镰刀菌引起的红心莲茎腐病的快速检测。
  • 图  1  红心莲尖孢镰刀菌LAMP引物设计

    Figure  1.  Design of LAMP primers for F. oxysporum in Echeveria

    图  2  LAMP反应最佳温度及时间筛选

    Figure  2.  Optimal reaction temperature and time for LAMP assay

    图  3  LAMP检测红心莲尖孢镰刀菌Fusarium oxysporum

    注:a: LAMP产物凝胶电泳;b: LAMP产物颜色反应。1:Fusarium oxysporum, 2:CK阴性对照。

    Figure  3.  Detection of F. oxysporum on Echeveria by LAMP assay

    Note: a: agarose gel electrophoresis analysis of LAMP products; b: visual result of LAMP test. Lane 1: F. oxysporum; Lane 2: CK, negative control.

    图  4  LAMP检测特异性验证

    注:a: LAMP产物2.0%凝胶电泳特异性检测;M:marker DL2000, 1:Fusarium oxysporum, 2:Fusarium moniliforme, 3:Colletotrichum destructivum, 4:Corynespora cassiicola, 5:Alternaria alternate, 6: Fusarium sporotrichioides, 7:Fusarium solani, 8:CK阴性对照。 b: LAMP产物特异性颜色反应。1~8试管病原菌样品顺序同(a).

    Figure  4.  Specificity of LAMP assay

    Note: a: specificity of LAMP for F. oxysporum and other pathogens determined by 2.0% agarose gel electrophoresis. Lane M: marker DL2000; Lane 1: F. oxysporum; Lane 2: F. moniliforme; Lane 3: Colletotrichum destructivum; Lane 4: Corynespora cassiicola; Lane 5: Alternaria alternate; Lane 6: F. sporotrichioides; Lane 7: F. solani; Lane 8: CK, negative control. b: specificity of LAMP for F. oxysporum determined by visual results. 1–8 codes for pathogens in test tubes as shown under Note a.

    图  5  LAMP灵敏度检测验证

    注: a: LAMP产物琼脂溏凝胶电泳,M:marker DL2000,泳道1~8:DNA质量浓度分别为10 ng·μL−1、1 ng·μL−1、100 pg·μL−1、10 pg·μL−1、1 pg·μL−1、100 fg·μL−1、10 fg·μL−1、1 fg·μL−1; b: LAMP产物灵敏度颜色反应,1~8 PCR管DNA浓度顺序同(a);c:PCR产物琼脂糖凝胶电泳。

    Figure  5.  Sensitivity of LAMP and PCR

    Note: a: LAMP assay determined by 2.0% agarose gel electrophoresis. Lane M: marker DL 2 000 DNA; Lanes 1–8: amplified products of LAMP reaction using DNA at concentrations of 10 ng·μL−1, 1 ng·μL−1, 100 pg·μL−1, 10 pg·μL−1, 1 pg·μL−1, 100 fg·μL−1, 10 fg·μL−1, 1 fg·μL−1. b: visual results of LAMP reactions from diluted genomic DNA. Concentrations of 1–8 pathogens correspond to Note a. c: agarose gel electrophoresis analysis on PCR products.

    表  1  用于LAMP试验的菌株

    Table  1.   Fungal isolates tested by LAMP assay

    Number of isolates
    LAMP reaction
    Fusarium oxysporum 尖孢镰刀菌Echeveria Perle Von Nürnberg 红心莲5福建 Fujian+
    Fusarium oxysporum 尖孢镰刀菌Echeveria Perle Von Nürnberg 红心莲3云南 Yunnan+
    Fusarium oxysporum 尖孢镰刀菌 Cymbidium ensifolium 建兰1福建 Fujian+
    Fusarium oxysporum 尖孢镰刀菌 Citrullus lanatus 西瓜1福建 Fujian+
    Colletotrichum destructivum 毁灭炭疽菌Echeveria Perle Von Nürnberg 红心莲1福建 Fujian
    Corynespora cassiicola 山扁豆生棒孢Sedum morganianum 玉珠帘1福建 Fujian
    Alternaria alternata 链格孢菌Echeveria spp. 石莲花属1福建 Fujian
    Fusarium sporotrichioides 拟分枝孢镰刀菌 Pisum sativum 豌豆1福建 Fujian
    Fusarium solani 腐皮镰刀菌Solanum lycopersicum 番茄1福建 Fujian
    Fusarium moniliforme 串珠镰刀菌Oryza sativa 水稻1江苏 Jiangsu
    Fusarium nivale 雪腐镰刀菌Triticum aestivum 小麦1江苏 Jiangsu
    Fusarium sambucinum 接骨木镰刀菌Solanum tuberosum 马铃薯1黑龙江 Heilongjiang
    Fusarium acuminatum 锐顶镰刀菌Medicago sativa 苜蓿1甘肃 Gansu
    Fusarium avenaceum 燕麦镰刀菌Avena sativa 燕麦1甘肃 Gansu
    Botryosphaeria rhodina 葡萄座腔菌Psidium guajava 番石榴1福建 Fujian
    Verticillium dahliae 大丽轮枝菌Solanum melongena 茄子 1福建 Fujian
    Colletotrichum gloeosporioides 胶孢炭疽菌Cymbidium ensifolium 建兰1福建 Fujian
    Alternaria kikuchiana 梨黑斑病菌Pyrus pyrifolia1福建 Fujian
    Alternaria alternata 链格孢菌Cymbidium ensifolium 建兰1福建 Fujian
    Phomopsis asparagi 茎枯病菌Asparagus officinalis 芦笋1福建 Fujian
    Magnaporche oryzae 稻瘟病菌Oryza sativa 水稻1福建 Fujian
    注:所有镰刀菌及其他真菌菌株均保存在福建省农业科学院; +表示LAMP反应阳性,− 表示LAMP反应阴性。
    Note: All isolates of F. oxysporum and other fungi were collection of the Fujian Academy of Agricultural Science; positive (+) or negative (−) results were based on presence or absence of a LAMP product of expected size.
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    表  2  红心莲尖孢镰刀菌LAMP及PCR检测引物

    Table  2.   LAMP and PCR primers of F. oxysporum in Echeveria

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