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基于4-PHF(the four-parameter Hill function)法比较6种四照花种子的休眠特性

熊星 鲁强 王昊伟 杨玲 洑香香

熊星,鲁强,王昊伟,等. 基于4-PHF(the four-parameter Hill function)法比较6种四照花种子的休眠特性 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(4):476−485 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.004.008
引用本文: 熊星,鲁强,王昊伟,等. 基于4-PHF(the four-parameter Hill function)法比较6种四照花种子的休眠特性 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(4):476−485 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.004.008
XIONG X, LU Q, WANG H W, et al. 4-PHF-based Analysis on Seed Dormancy of 6 Cornus Species [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(4):476−485 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.004.008
Citation: XIONG X, LU Q, WANG H W, et al. 4-PHF-based Analysis on Seed Dormancy of 6 Cornus Species [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(4):476−485 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.004.008

基于4-PHF(the four-parameter Hill function)法比较6种四照花种子的休眠特性

doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.004.008
基金项目: 江苏省林业科技创新与推广项目(LYKJ[2018]06)




  • 中图分类号: S 68

4-PHF-based Analysis on Seed Dormancy of 6 Cornus Species

  • 摘要:   目的  四照花属(Cornus)树种具有很高的园林观赏价值,有较高开发利用前景。本研究利用4-PHF(the four-parameter Hill function)法比较6种四照花种子的休眠特性,为四照花种质资源保存、种子贮藏及开发利用等提供理论依据。  方法  以6种四照花,包括大花四照花(CF)、中国四照花(CKC)、香港四照花(CH)、东京四照花(CHT)、秀丽四照花(CHE)和尖叶四照花(CE)种子为材料,用500 mg·L-1赤霉素(GA3)溶液浸泡3 d后进行低温层积处理,并设7个层积时间梯度(0、10、20、30、40、50、60 d);采用4-PHF法拟合6种四照花种子发芽曲线,计算发芽参数包括起始发芽时间(lag)和发芽高峰时间(TMGR)及休眠指数(DI)。  结果  层积有效地促进了四照花种子休眠的解除,但每个种达到最大发芽率所需层积时间存在差异:CKC仅需层积30 d发芽率可达78%,CH和CF层积60 d后发芽率分别达71%和89%,CHE、CHT和CE层积50 d后发芽率分别达63%、69%和54%。用4-PHF方程拟合的发芽曲线表明:随着休眠的解除,发芽参数lag和TMGR值持续下降,DI则呈现增加的趋势。  结论  结合各个发芽参数得出落叶类四照花CF、CKC种子休眠程度较浅,而常绿种CH、CHT、CHE和CE种子休眠较深,由DI值得出本试验处理未能充分解除常绿类四照花种子休眠,4- PHF方程进行种子萌发曲线拟合及萌发参数lag和TMGR可从生物学角度诠释层积处理对6种四照花种子的萌发差异,但DI值不宜用于比较种间休眠程度的差异。
  • 图  1  层积时间对各种四照花种子绝对发芽率的影响


    Figure  1.  Effect of stratification duration on absolute seed germination percentage of various dogwoods

    Note: Data with different capital letters indicate significant difference on germination rate of same kind of dogwoods under varied stratification duration (P<0.05); those with different lowercase letters indicate significant difference on germination rate of different species of dogwoods under same stratification treatment (P<0.05).

    图  2  6种四照花种子不同层积时间下累积发芽率的4-PHF拟合曲线


    Figure  2.  4-PHF fitting curves for cumulative germination rates of dogwood seeds after stratification

    Note: Symbols represent cumulative germination over time; solid lines are fitted curves.

    图  3  6种四照花种子不同层积时间下的瞬时萌发率


    Figure  3.  Instant germination rate of dogwood seeds after stratification

    Note: Data above curve are corresponding TMGR.

    图  4  6种四照花种子的休眠指数(DI)比较

    注:y1(上曲线)分别为大花四照花和香港四照花层积60 d,秀丽四照花、东京四照花和尖叶四照花层积50 d,中国四照花层积30 d的萌发曲线;y2(下曲线)为未层积处理的萌发曲线。阴影面积代表其休眠指数DI。

    Figure  4.  DIs for seeds of 6 dogwood species

    Note: DI: shaded area between Y1 (upper curves) of germination curves of CF stratified for 60 d, CH for 60 d, CHE for 50 d, CHT for 50 d, CE for 50 d, and CKC for 30 d and Y2 (lower curve) of those of the unstratified counterparts.

    表  1  6种四照花种子采集信息

    Table  1.   Information on seed collection

    Thousand seed
    Seed position
    Longitude and
    C. kousa subsp. chinensis
    CKC 44.998 甘肃省天水市麦积区马跑泉镇崖湾村
    Maiji District, Tianshui, Gansu Province
    E 105°54′32",N 34°30′33" 1170
    C. hongdongensis subsp. elegans
    CHE 61.000 浙江龙泉林科院
    Longquan Forestry Research Institute
    E 119°6′16",N 28°2′7" 424
    C. hongdongensis subsp. tonkinensis
    CHT 83.045 南京市溧水区四照花园
    Lishui District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
    E 119°2′4",N 31°35′14" 81
    C. hongkongensis
    CH 60.000 广东省韶关市乳源瑶族自治县洛阳镇
    Ruyuan Yao Autonomous County,
    Shaoguan, Guangdong Province
    E 113°2′38",N 24°39′47" 700
    C. elliptica
    CE 70.000 广东省韶关市乐昌市廊田镇白山村
    Lechang City, Shaoguan, Guangdong Province
    E 113°28′8",N 25°7′29" 160
    C. florida
    CF 95.999 美国路易斯安那州
    State of Louisiana
    W 90° 03′00″, N 29° 58′00″ 30
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    表  2  不同层积时间下6种四照花种子休眠解除的四参数希尔方程(4-PHF)的拟合参数

    Table  2.   4-PHF fitting parameters for dormancy release of dog-wood seeds after stratification

    Stratification duration/d
    CF a 49.02 70.02 76.12 78.57 79.17 81.63 115.80
    b 3.93 4.29 4.73 4.96 4.97 3.24 2.16
    c 17.94 15.46 11.64 7.55 7.52 7.00 3.24
    y0 0.53 −0.96 −1.15 −1.33 −1.33 0.66 −25.41
    CKC a 19.07 52.54 66.54 76.97 46.17 54.59 45.52
    b 5.52 6.20 4.93 6.40 2.73 1.87 3.50
    c 13.83 11.36 10.44 12.21 11.13 11.17 6.38
    y0 −0.46 −0.52 −0.82 0.96 −1.52 −3.90 3.34
    CHE a 6.48 1611.00 65.25 57.45
    b 5.92 2.92 2.97 2.09
    c 12.59 12.90 7.69 5.54
    y0 1.22 2.29 −0.17 −1.54
    CHT a 5.20 8.18 11.48 23.45 57.99 72.35 62.49
    b 12.74 7.49 5.74 3.04 1.98 2.66 2.67
    c 18.63 15.93 17.71 15.47 5.61 4.59 11.69
    y0 −0.14 −0.03 −0.13 −0.70 −17.10 −2.67 2.34
    CH a 11.59 31.31 44.43 55.79 65.51 73.93 75.96
    b 6.71 4.78 4.08 3.42 2.82 2.11 2.94
    c 19.05 22.65 19.55 22.18 15.49 12.28 13.32
    y0 −0.38 −2.83 −1.06 0.06 −1.76 −2.28 0.89
    CE a 14.08 25.53 40.82 41.19 50.22 56.65 53.16
    b 7.70 3.25 2.28 2.16 2.22 1.84 1.77
    c 17.75 15.01 11.40 11.20 8.48 4.41 5.92
    y0 0.23 −2.13 −4.53 −2.88 −1.40 −2.21 0.20
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    表  3  不同层积时间下6种四照花种子的初始萌发时间(lag)的实际值与理论值

    Table  3.   Actual and theoretical lag of dogwood seeds after stratification

    层积时间 Stratification duration/dCFCKCCHECHTCHCE
    注: “*”代表求解无实根,即萌发曲线与时间轴(x轴)无交点;“/”前面表示理论的初始萌发时间,后面表示实际的初始萌发时间。
    Note: ″*″ represents solution without real roots, i.e., germination curve does not intersect time (x-axis). Data in front of ″/″ are theoretical initial germination duration, and those behind “/”, actual time.
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