The varieties of Wax Jambu,Syzygium samarangense var.nongke 1 and var.nongke 2,were studied for observing in their root system morphology and distribution.The vertical depth of root system reached to 80 cm in the soil layer for both varieties.The root system of 'var.nongke 1' was mainly fastened in the 20-60 cm of the soil layer,while that of 'var.nongke 2' in the 0-40 cm.The diameter in single root measured was between 0-5 mm mostly the root system.The horizontal root area of the 6-year-old 'var.nongke 2' was in 4.56 m × 2.88 m.The distribution of active root tops was reached in 1.34-2.28 m away from the root collar.