Identification of TL_2 and the Inhibitive Effect of TL_2 to Fungal Pathogens
摘要: 对枯草芽孢杆菌TL2进行了16SrDNA序列分析,结合菌落形态、生理生化特征研究,将其鉴定为芽孢杆菌属的枯草芽孢杆菌Bacillus subtilis。通过对峙培养法测定TL2对10种植物病原菌的抑制作用,结果表明,对峙培养5d后,TL2对10种病原菌均有不同程度的抑制作用,其中枯草芽孢杆菌TL2对辣椒疫霉菌的平均抑制率最高(65.12%),对苹果轮纹病菌的平均抑制率最低(24.14%)。Abstract: Based on morphological,physiological and biochemical characteristics,combined with analysis of 16S rDNA sequences,the strain TL2was identified as Bacillus subtilis.The inhibitive efficacy of Bacillus subtilis TL2 to ten kinds of fungal pathogens were tested by dual culture.The result showed that Bacillus subtilis TL2 has significant inhibition to ten pathogenic fungi after 5dwith dual culture.The best average inhibitive rate of Bacillus subtilis TL2to Phytophthora capsici was 65.12%and the lowest average inhibitive rate of Bacillus subtilis TL2to Botryosphaeria dothidea was 24.14%.