Security Analysis of Residual Bifenthrin in Tea Plantation
摘要: 为了探讨联苯菊酯在绿茶和乌龙茶中的残留及其消解动态的差异,明确其在福建茶区使用的安全性,在福安、安溪和武夷山进行福云6号、金观音、铁观音和水仙等4个不同品种茶树上联苯菊酯残留田间试验,用2.5%联苯菊酯乳油1 000~4 000倍液进行施药,药液干后以及施药后1、3、5、7、10、15d分别取样,采用丙酮和石油醚提取,气相色谱检测,样品添加回收率为93.9%以上。检测统计结果表明,联苯菊酯在茶叶上的原始残留量随着农药稀释倍数的增加而减少,而且差异变小。除福安绿茶2003年秋茶期的原始残留量较高外,不同品种同一季节或同一品种秋茶与春茶期间原始残留的差异均不显著,1 000~4 000倍液的平均原始残留量在同一品种不同季节间均表现出气温高,原始残留量低的负相关关系。联苯菊酯在茶叶中的消解动态符合一级动力学方程。在福安、安溪和武夷山,4个不同品种联苯菊酯1 000、2 000、3 000和4 000倍液的平均残留半衰期差异不显著,平均为4.22d,而同一茶季不同地域间(品种)存在显著或极显著差异,其中安溪2003年秋季1000~4 000倍液的残留半衰期最长,平均达8.48d;在相同地域相同气候条件下,福安绿茶品种和乌龙茶品种上的残留半衰期平均分别为2.19、6.16d,季节间差异不显著,而品种间差异达显著或极显著水平。试验期间的平均气温、相对湿度和降雨量与残留半衰期均未表现出统计学相关性。2.5%联苯菊酯乳油1 000~4 000倍液的原始残留量均小于3.5mg.kg-1,超标风险相对较低。Abstract: To investigate the final residues and dynamic degradation of bifenthrin sprayed on Fuyun6,Jinguanyin,Tieguanyinand Shuixian(Camellia sinensis),a security analysis of residual bifenthrin in different tea plantation(Fu′an,Anxi and Wuyishan)was carried out after 1000-4000times of 2.5% bifenthrin was air-dried or 1,3,5,7,10,15days after spraying.Our results showed that the recovery rates of bifenthrin were over 93.9% and the original residues declined with diluted times of the pesticides.Meanwhile,higher residual contents was found in the Fu′an green teas in autumn of the year 2003,and there were no significant differences in the original residues in different tea varieties at different seasons.The average original residual amounts in the same tea varieties between different seasons was decreased with negative correlation to higher temperature after spraying with 1000-4000times of 2.5% bifenthrin.Dynamic degradation of bifenthrin was coincided with first-order kinetic equation.Furthermore,the average residue half life after treatment was 4.22days and there was no significant difference among the four kinds of tea varieties cultivated in Fu′an,Anxi and Wuyishan.There were significant differences among tea varities at the same seasons in different regions,and the the longest was 8.48days in Anxi autumn tea,However,the residue half life in the same climatic conditions of Fu′an were 2.19and 6.16days for oolong teas and green teas,suggesting that there were no significant differences between seasons but significant differences between two tea varieties.The average temperature,relative humidity and rainfall did not show a statistically significant correlation with the residue half life during the test period.The original residues resulted from 1000-4000times of 2.5% bifenthrin was less than 3.5mg/kg,which made a relatively low risk of exceeding criterion.