Adaptation of Different Alfalfa Varieties in Fujian Province
摘要: 研究4个紫花苜蓿引进新品种在福建省不同气候区的引种表现,结果表明:秋眠级别为10的赛迪10品种在各个示范点的表现最好,2年的平均每667m2产鲜、干草量分别为5 834.30和1 340.62kg,分别高出对照品种‘游客’17.33%和23.32%。另外,其还具有分枝数多、叶量丰富、品质优等优点,在福建省具有很好的适应性;表现其次的为休眠级别为7的品种赛迪7,其丰产性较好,产量潜力大,平均每667m2鲜草产量高达5 445.39kg,比对照增产9.51%,平均每667m2干草产量为1 207.61kg,比对照增产11.08%。Abstract: An introduction experiment was conducted to test several alfalfa varieties in Fujian province in different climatic zones.The results showed that Sadie 10whose dormancy level was 10had best adaptability.Two-year average yield per mu of fresh and hay was 5 834.30kg and 1 340.62kg respectively,that was 17.33%and 23.32% higher than the control.In addition,it also had the more branches,higher leaf quantity,better quality advantages and adaptable in Fujian provinces.Sadie 7whose dormancy level was 7had average yield per mu of fresh was 5 445.39kg which was 9.51% higher than control,the hay was 1 207.61kg which was 11.08% higher.The introduction provides reference for the industrialization of alfalfa production in Fujian province and alleviates the problem of the lack of leguminous forage grass.