• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Ecological Compensation Standard for Rice-fish System Based on Its Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Capacity

  • 摘要: 稻鱼共生系统对减少温室气体排放具有一定的积极作用。本研究首次将稻鱼共生系统降低CH4和N2O等温室气体排放量的功能纳入到低碳渔业的研究范围,并借鉴已有研究方法和结论,对我国稻田养鱼共生系统的温室气体减排量进行初步估算。结果表明:2011年,全国范围内稻田养鱼系统共减少CO2排放量122.23万t,利用造林法估算该系统温室气体减排量的生态系统服务价值为8 332.95万元,其中生态系统服务价值超过1 000万的省份包括四川、江苏、湖北3个省份。最后,建议将稻鱼共生系统温室气体减排量的生态补偿标准确定为68.99元.hm-2.a-1。


    Abstract: A rice-fish system(i.e.,aquaculture on rice growing field)could positively contribute to the reduction of the greenhouse gas emission.This study,for the first time,included the emission reduction of the greenhouse gases,such as CH4and N2O,in the scope of low carbon fisheries.This article presents our findings and preliminary analytical results on the current status including:(a)the rice-fish system reduced 1 222 300tons of CO2emissions in 2011;(b)an estimated ecosystem service value of greenhouse gas reduction was 83.329 5million yuan;(c)the provinces in China that had ecosystem services worth more than 10million yuan were Sichuan,Jiangsu and Hubei;(d)an ecological compensation standard for the rice-fish system,based on its potential capacity in reducing the greenhouse gases,was suggested to be 68.99yuan.hm-2.a-1.


