Uses Coastal Groundwater Study on Nurturing Fujian Local Fish Fry of Acipenser Schrenckii
摘要: 本研究通过改变养殖水源和史氏鲟鱼受精卵来源等方法建立了新的史氏鲟鱼苗培育模式:利用沿海滩涂地下咸水配制成8‰盐度的养殖水孵化福建省本土史氏鲟受精卵,孵化率为90%~92%,采用10‰盐度的养殖水对本土史氏鲟鱼苗进行培育,鱼苗成活率达85%~87%。新模式的孵化率和成活率比采用淡井水孵化培育北方引进史氏鲟鱼苗模式高40%和30%左右,是福建省进行史氏鲟鱼苗培育的一种较佳模式。Abstract: With the development of Acipenser schrenckii artificial breeding in Fujian Province,a new seedling cultivation mode has been established by testing of different water and fertilized egg sources.,The results showed that using coastal saline groundwater to formulate 8‰ salinity water in incubation of Fujian Acipenser schrenckii eggs would get a hatching rate of 90%-92%,and 10‰salinity water's application in cultivation of local Acipenser schrenckii seedling provided a survival rate of fry up to 85%-87%.The hatching rate and the survival rate of the new mode are about 40%and 30%highter than those of flesh well water incubation of northern Acipenser schrenckii seedling mode.The new mode is a better Acipenser schrenckii seedling cultivation method of Fujian province.
- acipenser schrenckii seedling /
- coastal groundwater /
- cultivation /
- Fujian province
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