Effect of Planting Density on Growth and Yield of Matricaria chamomilla L. in Greenhouse
摘要: 以西洋甘菊Matricaria chamomilla L.sm-8为试验材料, 研究种植密度与大棚西洋甘菊发育和产量之间的关系。结果表明:种植密度对西洋甘菊生长和鲜花产量有显著影响, 但对开花习性和干花精油含量无显著影响。随着种植密度的增加, 株高呈递减规律, 单位面积干物质积累量呈递增规律, 鲜花产量呈先增而后降的趋势。大棚西洋甘菊sm-8在三明地区的最佳种植密度为4.76万株·hm-2, 此密度下可以取得较高鲜花产量和品质, 产量达4 726kg·hm-2, 干花精油含量达0.400%。Abstract: Effect of planting density on the growth and yield of chamomile sm-8, Matricaria chamomilla L., was studied under the greenhouse conditions.The results indicated that the planting density significantly affected the growth and yield of the plants, but not on the flowering habit or the essential oil content of the dried flowers.As the density increased, the plant height decreased;the dry matter accumulation per unit area increased;and, the fresh flower yield increased initially and followed by a decline.This study found the optimum planting density for chamolmile to be 47 600plants·hm-2.At this density, high quality fresh flowers with a yield of 4 726kg·hm-2and an essential oil content of 0.400%could be obtained.