Seed Purity Identification of Bitter Gourd Hybrid by RAPD Markers
摘要: 以苦瓜杂交种新翠及其亲本为材料, 利用RAPD标记技术进行多态性分析, 以获得差异目的基因片段。经过多次试验, 在供试的120个RAPD引物中, 只筛选出1个引物能区分杂交种及其母本种子。根据以上引物, 对从河西走廊采收回来的新翠F1代种子累计抽取6 000份进行RAPD分析, 可靠的检测结果, 有效地保证了新翠苦瓜大面积推广。Abstract: The DNA fingerprints of xincui bitter gourd and its parents were analyzed by RAPD to obtain the genes differentially expressed.1out of the 120screened primers could amplify the characteristic polymorphic bands of F1generation with its female parent after repeated experiments.With the only one primer possessing high stability and repeatability, 6000individuals of Xincui bitter gourd from Hexi Corridor in Gansu province were identified, and our results ensured the promotion to Xincui bitter gourd, effectively.