Establishment of a Special Sweet Potato Industry in Northwest Fujian
摘要: 闽西北地区是福建省甘薯的特色产区, 以连城红心地瓜干为龙头产业的区域甘薯产业有了较大发展的同时, 急需寻找出以优质、特色为重点的新的甘薯产业增长点, 提升甘薯产业水平。当前, 叶菜型甘薯和紫肉色甘薯在闽西北地区有一定的发展规模, 有望形成新的产业带。本文分析叶菜型甘薯和紫肉色甘薯的发展前景与目前生产中存在的问题, 提出加强新品种、新技术应用与推广, 通过政府扶持、企业介入等综合措施, 打造闽西北叶菜型和紫肉色甘薯产业带。这一产业带的建成将对调整福建省甘薯产业结构、优化产业发展方向做出较大的贡献。Abstract: The northwest district is the most important sweet potato planting area in Fujian.In recent years, processing of the dehydrated red-flesh-sweet potato slices has become a leading industrial activity in Liancheng.To further foster the development, a new marketing approach associating the high quality and uniqueness of the products is in order.Currently, the sweet potato leaves and the purple flesh sweet potatoes have been widely promoted for foods.This article presents the problems and prospective of future business development for the area′s sweet potato industry.New varieties and novel technologies, as well as supports from the government agencies and corporations, should be sought to eventually establish a special sweet potato industry for the region.