• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Studying on Application of Slope Protection Techniques for Defending Against Hill Collapse and Conservation of Water and Soil

  • 摘要: 防崩岗护水土网草护坡是一种新型结构体系。通过介绍其结构体系特征及其保护水土流失的工作原理, 来描述其结构组成, 上中下3部分的功能和构造。提出了现阶段绳网护坡结构体系所承受的外部荷载设计计算方法, 现阶段应使用的规范标准和护坡绳网的设计。建立了用护坡上桩的抗拔力来平衡体系外部荷载的计算模型, 使其与土坡紧密结合, 形成完整的结构体系, 保证该体系内力与外部荷载的平衡。通过介绍网草护坡设计施工流程, 阐述不同坡度护坡的设计施工方法、基本内容和应用范围, 提及使用本方法在施工上可能遇到的问题和处理措施。用经济指标对比来展示该型护坡相对传统做法表现在设计、施工上的3大优势, 体现该护坡所具有的明显造价优势、适用性优势和生态优势。


    Abstract: The paper studied the design and construction for the architecture of grass network slope protection and its application in Changting.This technology is a new architecture used in avalanche defense against hill collapse and for soil and water conservation.The paper has described the architecture of the avalanche defense from its upper, middle and lower layers, respectively, on their structural characteristics and the functional theories in soil and water conservation.Calculation methods have been proposed from recently used in architectural design for the grass network slope protection, including external loads, normative standards and the network rope of slope protection. The calculation model was given with the pullout force of pile against the external load of system to balance internal force of the system, thus the avalanche defense was closely compacted with the hill forming as a monolithic architecture.The grass network slope protection systems have been introduced based on gradients, including the content of design, construction methods and the techniques for trouble shooting during construction.Comparing with traditional slop protection, three significant advantages have been obviously indicated including the low in cost, optimum in applicability and conservation in ecology.


