• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Breeding and Utilization of Super Hybrid Rice“Tianyou 3301”

  • 摘要: 天优3301是福建省农业科学院生物技术研究所用自主选育的强恢复系闽恢3301与优质不育系天丰A配组育成的超级杂交稻新品种, 自2010年开始大面积示范推广以来, 已在生产上示范推广超过30万hm2, 增产稻谷1.5亿kg。该品种具有产量潜力高、米质优、抗稻瘟病、适应性广以及穗大粒多、结实率高、再生力强和抽穗期耐高温等特点。2008年通过福建省品种审定, 2010年通过国家品种审定, 同年获农业部确认为超级稻品种和南方稻区东南沿海主导品种, 2011年通过海南省品种审定。本文着重介绍天优3301的选育过程、品种特性, 以及在区域试验、生产试验和高产示范中的产量、抗性和米质的表现, 并对超级杂交稻育种技术理论进行探讨。


    Abstract: Tianyou 3301was developed by crossing the good quality three-line male sterile“Tianfeng A”with the restorer line“Minhui 3301”.The cultivated area of Tianyou 3301is 300 000hm2from 2010to 2012, the total yields were about 150million kg in three years.It is characteristic of good plant types, super-high yield, good quality, blast resistance, wide adaptability, large panicles and more spikelets, high setting rate, strong ratoon ability and high temperature tolerance at heading stage.It was registered in Fujian province and the National Crops Variety Approval Committee in 2008and 2010, respectively, and was approved in Hainan province in 2011.It was one of those super-hybrid varieties to be demonstrated and extended in national wide.The extension and application, botanical traits and yield components of Tianyou 3301were summarized in this paper.And its yield, resistance and quality in regional trials, producing trials and high yield demonstration were introduced in the paper.


