• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Effects of Inter-row Green Manure Mulching on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties of Young Tea Plantation

  • 摘要: 以豆科绿肥爬地兰Indigofera endecaphylla jacq.、茶肥1号Cassia sophera L.、羽叶决明Chamaecrista nictitans、闽引圆叶决明Chamaecrista rotundifolia CPI86134和威恩圆叶决明Chamaecrista rotundifolia cv Wynn CPI34721为覆盖材料, 以清耕 (定期人工锄草) 为对照, 研究行间覆盖绿肥对幼龄茶园土壤理化性状的影响。结果表明:连续3a的绿肥覆盖提高了茶园土壤毛管孔度、田间持水量、饱和含水量和土壤液相比例, 改善茶园土壤物理性状。覆盖绿肥处理的茶园土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮和有效磷含量分别提高9.82%16.91%、5.29%14.31%、2.71%13.07%、0.71%33.98%;而速效钾含量和pH值则因不同绿肥品种存在差异。直立型 (羽叶决明、茶肥1号) 和半直立型 (闽引圆叶决明) 绿肥覆盖对茶树生长有一定的抑制作用;匍匐型绿肥 (爬地兰、威恩圆叶决明) 对茶树生长和鲜叶产量的影响表现为略有促进, 但差异未达显著水平。综合绿肥覆盖对茶园土壤物理性状、土壤肥力指标和茶树生长的影响, 初步筛选出较适宜幼龄茶园行间套种绿肥爬地兰和威恩圆叶决明。


    Abstract: Five leguminous green manure plants, Indigofera endecaphyllajacq., Cassia sophera L., Chamaecrista nictitans, Chamaecrista rotundifolia CPI86134and Chamaecrista rotundifolia cv Wynn CPI34721, were used as mulching materials to study on the effects of inter-row leguminous grass mulching on soil physical and chemical properties of young tea plantation, with no covering as the control.The results showed that the soil physical characteristics were improved by increasing capillary porosity, field moisture capacity, saturated water content and the rate of liquid soil after continuous 3years mulch.Contents of soil organic matter, total nitrogen, available nitrogen and phosphorus were increased by 9.82%-16.91%, 5.29-14.31%, 2.71%-13.07%, 0.71%-33.98%, respectively.The available potassium contents and pH values varied among different kinds of grasses. Mulching of erect Chamaecrista nictitans, erect Cassia sophera L.and semi-erect Chamaecrista rotundifolia CPI86134inhibited tea growth to a certain degree, but creeping Indigofera endecaphylla jacq.and Chamaecrista rotundifoliacv Wynn CPI34721promoted tea growth with no significant difference.Indigofera endecaphyllajacq. and Chamaecrista rotundifolia cv Wynn CPI34721were proved suitable for mulching on young tea plantation based on the comprehensive results of soil physical and chemical characteristics, soil fertility and tea growth.


