• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Current Status and Strategies of Tea Standardization in Fujian Province

  • 摘要: 标准化已成为农业产业化、规模化、现代化的必然选择。茶叶标准化作为我国茶产业发展的主流方向, 在提高茶产品质量、提升茶叶综合竞争力、发展现代茶叶等方面具有深远影响。本文在阐明茶叶标准化的概念、指出茶叶标准化的意义、分析福建省茶叶标准化发展的现状以及存在问题的基础上, 提出进一步推进福建省茶叶标准化工作的对策与建议。


    Abstract: Standardization has become inescapable for agriculture industrialization and modernization in a large scale, and tea standardization, as a main trend for our national tea industry development, has played a significant role in improving tea quality, competitiveness and modernization and so on.In this article, on the basis of the concept and significance of tea standardization, the status and problems of tea standardization development in Fujian province are analyzed, with ways and suggestions to promote tea standardization in Fujian province.


