• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Genotypic Difference on Rice Ratooning Relating to Stubble Height

  • 摘要: 以192份生产上广泛应用的水稻品种为研究对象,对其再生季分别进行了高留桩(40cm)和低留桩(5cm)处理,研究水稻再生力与品种及其留桩高度的关系。统计分析结果表明,高留桩处理时水稻再生芽出鞘率整体水平显著高于低留桩处理,但不同品种类型的再生力受留桩高度的影响程度各异。分析表明,粳稻品种普遍适合低留桩处理,而籼稻品种则多数适合于高留桩处理。同时,本研究还筛选出少蘖粳、台北309、K264806、R402-10等再生能力较强的品种,为强再生力水稻新品种的选育和再生力相关的遗传学分析及生理机制研究提供了可用的基因资源。


    Abstract: Rice ratooning in relation to its variety and stubble height was studied.One hundred ninety two cultivars that are widely used in practice in the country and two stubble heights(i.e.,5cm.and 40cm)were the variables included for the study.The results indicated that the ratooning of the high stubble rice(40cm)was significantly greater than its counterpart(5cm).And,for different varieties of rice,the stubble height affected the ratooning differently.For instance,most of the japonica varieties were found to be suitable for the low stubble treatment, whereas the indica rices were better fitted for the high stubble treatment.In this study,some of the varieties,such as Shaoniejing,Taipei 309,Yongyou 6and R402-10,showed a strong ability of ratooning.The results provided not only the germplasm resource available for breeding,but also rich information for future studies of genetic and physiological mechanisms on rice ratiooning.


