• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Introduction and Characterized of New Potato Variety,Zhongshu 7

  • 摘要: 为增加马铃薯生产品种的数量, 满足目前福建不同生态区域多样性和农户的需求, 福建省农业科学院作物研究所与福建省种子总站于2007年联合从中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所引进了中薯7号新品种。经过多点试验、省区域试验和生产试验, 于2012年通过福建省农作物品种审定。该品种生育期88d, 叶片绿色, 茎紫色, 单株块茎数68个, 薯型椭圆形, 薯皮淡黄色、光滑, 薯肉乳白色 (闽审薯2012005) , 芽眼浅, 干物质含量18.38%, 食味品质较好, 休眠期60d左右, 产量29 71632 321kg·hm-2, 高感晚疫病。该品种在栽培技术上应注重地块选择与翻耕起垄、备种、播种期选择、密度控制、科学肥水管理、中耕培土、病虫害防治以及及时收获等措施。


    Abstract: To add new potato varieties, and meet the regional ecological diversification requirement and demand of the farmers, in 2007, the Crop Institute of FAAS and Fujian Provincial Seeds Station jointly introduced a new potato variety, Zhongshu 7, developed by the Institute of Vegetables and Flowers of CAAS.After successful multi-plot trials, provincial regional and field tests, it was released by the Fujian provincial authorities in March, 2012.The growth period of Zhongshu 7was approximately 89 days.It had green leaves, purple stems, 6-8tubers per plant, oval-shaped tubers, faint yellow and smooth skin, flesh, shallow eyes, 18.38% dry matter, and appealing eating quality.Its dormancy was approximately 60 days, and the yield was 29 716-32 321kg·hm-2.To achieve high yield, recommendations on cultivation as follow field selection, turn over and ridging, seeds preparation, sowing time, planting density, fertilization, watering, intertillage, disease-and pest-control, and harvesting are included.


