Effect of Tissue Separation on Auricularia polytricha(Mont.)Sacc.Cultivation
摘要: 通过出耳栽培试验, 比较分析白背毛木耳菌株‘漳耳43-28’、06283与其组织分离菌株Z43-28-1、Z06283的菌丝生长速度、生长势、抗污染能力、产量等, 结果表明:分离菌株Z43-28-1、Z06283比出发菌株‘漳耳43-28’、06283栽培袋菌丝生长速度分别提高10.3%、13.5%, 污染率分别降低11.48%、38.55%, 产量分别提高6.2%、2.7%。应用组织分离可以达到较好的品种复壮效果。Abstract: The strains Z43-28-1and Z06283 are gained from ‘Zhang′er 43-28'and 06283 by tissue separation.In the present study, mycelia growth speed, growth vigor, anti-pollution ability and yield were compared.Our results showed that tissue separation increase mycelium growth by 10.3%and 13.5%, increase fruitbody yield by 6.2%, 2.7%and decrease contamination rate by 11.48%、38.55%.Our results suggest that tissue separation will be effective for rejuvenation of Auricularia polytricha (Mont.) Sacc.