An Auto Forecasting System for Rice Insect Based on WebGIS
摘要: 针对当前水稻害虫防治决策人为因素影响大、时效性差的状况, 应用网络平台, 结合公共气象信息, 开发应用于生产的水稻害虫自动预警系统。系统包括基于积温函数的害虫发育模拟系统, 能自动根据天气预报值预警多种害虫的发生期, 并据此给用户提供参考;实时的气象信息包括气温和湿度等可随时提醒用户当前气候条件对害虫发生的适宜度, 辅助用户决策害虫的发生趋势;基于WebGIS的病虫信息展示预警可提供宏观大范围的决策, 纠正害虫防治决策中的工作失误。2012年该系统在江苏省范围内成功进行了灰飞虱、白背飞虱、褐飞虱和纵卷叶螟等害虫综合防治的决策, 取得了明显的效果。系统基于Apache+PHP+MySQL+MapServer架构, 操作简单, 实用性强, 为病虫信息的信息化、标准化管理、精准化防治提供了技术支撑, 为病虫预警决策提供了可靠的工具。Abstract: According to the artificial influence factors and bad timeliness in rice insect control decision, a WebGIS based system for the simulation and forecasting of rice insect was constructed.The system included the simulation module for the insect stage that based on the function of degree-days calculating, that could automatically forecast the occurrence stage of insect;the real-time weather information including the temperature and humdity could remind the users the suitability of the weather for the pest prevalence, then provide decision support information for the guest;and the pest information showed based on WebGIS could help the user to decide the control tactics for the large-scale field, corrected the error decision.In 2012, the system forecasted the occurrence condition of for SBPH, WBPH, BPH and the rice leaf-roller successfully in Jiangsu province and then the IPM methods to control the pest were applied.The system was based on the structure of Apache+PHP+MySQL+MapServer, it was easy for the guest to use, and it provided the powerful tool for the management of standard and information pest data, precision control and support for pest forecasting.