Effect of Microencapsulated Feed on Immunity and Growth of Juvenile Abalones
摘要: 以市售粉态鲍苗饲料作对照, 传统鲍苗生产模式下, 研究稚幼鲍微囊配合饲料对鲍苗非特异性免疫生化活性及生长特性的影响。试验设对照组、试验组 (31%的稚幼鲍微胶囊饲料+69%对照料) , 为期137d, 测定鲍苗壳长及非特异性免疫指标。结果表明:试验组鲍苗的碱性磷酸酶 (AKP) 及总超氧化物歧化酶 (T-SOD) 活力均显著高于对照组 (P<0.05) ;溶菌酶 (LZM) 含量略高于对照组, 差异不显著 (P>0.05) 。试验组和对照组鲍苗壳长日增长分别达到 (83.23±3.41) μm·d-1和 (70.91±5.77) μm·d-1, 差异显著 (P<0.05) ;试验组鲍苗壳长变异系数低于对照组, 鲍苗规格较整齐。试验结果表明, 稚幼鲍微囊饲料对杂交鲍苗有免疫增强、减少鲍苗死亡和促生长的效能。稚幼鲍微胶囊饲料对鲍苗的促生长效应在饲喂后的71d左右较明显。Abstract: This 137-day experiment was conducted to examine the effect of microencapsulated feed on the immunity and growth of juvenile abalones under the conventional aquaculture practices.The commercially available, formulated abalone feed powder was used as the control.Ten pools of juvenile abalones were allotted to the two groups with 5replicate pens each.The treatment group was fed with a diet consisting of 31% microencapsulated ingredients and 69% Control.The results showed that (a) the AKP and T-SOD activities of the juvenile abalones in the treatment group were significantly higher than those of Control (P<0.05) ; (b) the lysozyme content in the treatment abalones was slightly higher than that of Control, but the difference was not significant (P>0.05) ; (c) the coefficient of variation on the shell length of the treatment abalones was less than that of Control.The treatment abalones appeared relatively uniform on various specifications.The results indicated that the microcapsules had the immune-enhancing, death-rate-lowering and growthpromoting effects on the abalones.And, the growth-promoting effect was found most apparent 71 dafter the abalones were fed with a diet containing the microencapsulated material.