Molecular Identification for Southern Blight Pathogen of Anoectoch ilusroxburghii(Wall.)Lindl.
摘要: 采用组织块法对金线莲疑似茎腐病病原菌进行分离, 用致病性试验、病原菌形态学观察、分子生物学方法对该病原菌进行鉴定。结果表明:从收集的金线莲疑似茎腐病病原菌感染植株中分离得到的菌株, 在培养基中产生大量气生菌丝呈棉絮状, 菌丝在培养基中产生紫色色素, 有隔及分枝, 大型分生孢子纺锤形, 小型分生孢子卵形或长圆形。分离的菌株回接后可使金线莲植株产生病害, 对扩增得到的rDNA-ITS序列进行Blast对比分析, 确定该病害为尖孢镰刀菌Fusarium oxysporum Schl.引起的茎腐病。Abstract: A suspected pathogen that caused the stalk rot on Anoectochilus roxburghii was isolated by means of tissue separation.It was subsequently subjected to the pathogenicity tests, morphological observation and molecular biology analysis for positive identification.The massive amount of aerial mycelia of the pathogen were gossypine, separate, branched, and capable of generating apurple pigment.Its macroconidium appeared in the shape of a spindle, and the microconidium in the shape of an egg.By inoculating the isolated strain to A.roxburghii, a pathogenicity to the plant was observed.Based on a blast test of rDNA-ITS sequence, the blight pathogen was identified to be Fusarium oxysporum Schl.