Comparing Growth Characters of Detoxified Seedling in Different Generations of Chewing-cane‘Badila'
摘要: 以黑皮果蔗脱毒第1代种茎苗 (处理A) 、第2代种茎苗 (处理B) 、第3代种茎苗 (处理C) 为试验材料, 以大田未脱毒果蔗种茎苗为对照 (CK) , 研究其生产性状表现情况。结果表明, 不同代数的脱毒种茎苗在农艺性状和品质方面均优于对照种 (CK) 。其中第2代种茎苗 (处理B) 、第3代种茎苗 (处理C) 的蔗茎产量比对照种 (CK) 增产25%以上, 蔗糖含量比对照种 (CK) 提高0.5个百分点, 差异均达到极显著水平, 表现出较好的生产性状, 可直接作为商品蔗栽培种苗。第1代种茎苗 (处理A) 由于组培效应的影响, 表现出茎细、无效分蘖多和侧芽大, 商品性较差, 建议作为高代脱毒种茎苗的种源加繁材料。不同代数的脱毒种茎苗都易受到花叶病毒的侵染, 随着种植年限的增加, 花叶病发病率提高。因此, 要做好花叶病病源传播的防治。Abstract: Seedlings of the first (Treatment A) , second (Treatment B) and third (Treatment C) generations derived from detoxified chewing cane Badila'were used as materials to evaluate their production traits.The seedlings without detoxification used as control (CK) .The results showed that the agronomic traits and quality of seedlings were better in detoxification than in control (CK) .The yield and surge content of second (Treatment B) and third (Treatment C) generations were significantly higher than that of CK for 27% and 0.5%, respectively.The productive characteristics indicated that the detoxified seedling in second and third generations were good for using in commercial sugarcane production, while the detoxified seedling in first (Treatment A) generation was suited for propagation.Detoxified seedlings were sensitive to mosaic virus and infective rate to the virus was increasing concomitant with seedling generation development.Therefore, it is important in protective control for detoxified seedlings against the spread of mosaic virus.