• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Qiuji,a New Plum Variety with Fresh-eating,Late-maturing and High Quality

  • 摘要: ‘秋姬’李是从日本引进的鲜食、晚熟、优质李新品种, 2014年通过福建省农作物品种审定委员会认定 (闽认果2014001) 。该品种成熟期为7月中下旬, 果形近圆, 果皮底色黄、完全成熟时为紫红色、有果粉, 果肉橙黄色、肉质致密, 粘核, 核为椭圆形;平均单果重119.6146.0g, 可溶性固形物含量12.5%14.9%, 可食率97.0%左右;丰产稳产, 一般栽后34年结果, 56年进入盛产期;抗病性强, 综合性状优良, 市场潜力大。


    Abstract: Qiuji is a fresh-eating, late-ripening and high quality plum, which is cultivated in Japan firstly and has sailed through the Fujian provincial new variety assert examination in 2014.Our results showed that the mature stage begins in middle to late of July and the fruit is subcircular and had bloom, with the bottom color of yellow.Then, the peel was mauve when fruit full maturity, the flesh was orange yellow and tender, and stone is ellipse and clingstone.Furthermore, the weight, soluble solids content and edible rate are ranged from 119.6g to 146.0g, 12.5%to 14.9%, and 97.0%, separately.In the end, our results suggest that Qiuji is a high yield variety with strong disease resistance, good commercial character, and big market potential, and it will have fruit after planting for 3to 4years, and harvest after planting for 5to 6years.


