• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Effects of Low Temperature and Heat-treatment on Lily Bulblet Vigor Index

  • 摘要: 以自繁的百合小鳞茎‘Siberia’为材料,研究不同因素处理下种球活力指数的变化特征。结果表明:-2℃、2℃低温处理诱导了抽薹,加快小鳞茎活力的表达,处理135~165d为最佳活力表达期;5~8g大规格的小鳞茎整体活力较强;培养周期超过5.5个月可获得较高活力的小鳞茎;二次回归正交旋转组合分析,37℃+3h热激处理下小鳞茎活力指数表现最优,热激处理为小鳞茎的低温春化提供了保护和储能基础。


    Abstract: Self-reproducing bulblet of lily ‘Siberia'were used as materials to study variation effect of different treatment factors on bulb vigor index.The results showed that:low temperature at-2℃ and 2℃induced bolting,accelerated vigor expression of bulblet;treatment duration in 135-165 dwas the best for vigor expression;5-8g large size bulblet performed overall strong vigor;and culture bulblet for more than 5.5months could obtain bulblet in high vigor.With two quadratic regression orthogonal rotation combination analysis,heat treatment at 37℃for 3h was optimal on bulblet vigor index.Heat-treatment stored up energy in bulblet for its vernalization at low temperature.


