Formulation of Media for Flammulina velutipes Cultivation in Fujian
摘要: 从福建省金针菇工厂化生产企业的培养料常用配方中选出4个生物学效率高、效益高的配方,进行栽培比较试验和效益分析。结果表明,配方1的菌丝生长速度较快,菌丝长势较强,子实体农艺性状佳,产量为379g·袋-1,生物学效率为84.2%,而且经济效益较好;其次是配方3,因此配方1和3可以在金针菇工厂化生产中推广使用。Abstract: Four formulated culture media for the commercialized cultivation of Flammulina velutipe with high biological efficiency and economic benefit were selected.They were compared and subjected to financial analysis.The results showed that,among the 4formulations,Formula No.1produced the fastest and strongest mycelial growth with desirable agronomic traits on the fruiting body,yield(379 g·bag-1)and biological efficiency(84.2percent),as well as the highest economic return on the mushroom cultivation.It was followed by Formula No.3.Consequently,either Formula No.1or 3could be promoted for the mushroom cultivation.