Effect of Varied Treatments on Germination of Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua Seeds
摘要: 为揭示储藏条件、打破休眠方法对多花黄精种子发芽的影响,筛选多花种子发芽的适宜条件,以野生多花黄精种子作为试验材料,将多花黄精种子在不同环境下贮藏,应用物理和化学方法打破其种子休眠。结果表明:低温沙藏和常温沙藏的发芽率差异不大,但均显著高于常温干燥贮藏。不同物理、化学处理之间存在一定差异,均未达到显著差异。以低温沙藏条件下用50mg·L-1 GA3浸种3h的处理效果最好,发芽率达93.33%。Abstract: Effect of storage conditions and methods of breaking dormancy for the germination of Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua seeds was investigated in preparation for its cultivation.The wild seeds were stored under varied conditions.Physical and chemical methods were applied to break the seed dormancy.The results showed that the seed germination rates under the sand storage at normal and low temperature were not significantly different.However,the rate was markedly decreased when the seeds were stored at ambient temperature in dry storage.No significant difference on the germination rate was found when the seeds were treated with different physical and chemical means.The highest germination rate,93.33%,was obtained by soaking the seeds in 50 mg·L-1 GA3 solution for 3hours at low temperatures.