• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Breeding and Characteristics of New,High-starch Sweet Potato,‘Rongshu819'

  • 摘要: 为选育适宜加工应用的高淀粉甘薯品种,2008年以‘金山57’为母本放任授粉,选育出高淀粉甘薯新品种‘榕薯819’。该品种于2011-2013年参加福建省区试和生产试验。结果表明:该品种薯干产量高于对照‘金山57’;淀粉产量极显著高于对照。干物率29.95%,比对照高19.85%;出粉率19.70%,比对照高28.09%;食味品质优;中抗蔓割病;萌芽性好,贮藏性好。2014年通过福建省品种审定委员会审定(闽审薯2014005)。


    Abstract: A high-starch sweet potato variety,‘Rongshu819',was newly developed from ‘Jinshan57'by open pollination in 2008.It was subjected to the regional test on new varieties and a production trial in Fujian from 2011 to 2013.The results showed that ‘Rongshu819'had a higher dry matter content and significantly higher root starch yield than ‘Jinshan57'(CK).Specifically,the dry matter of ‘Rongshu 819'was 29.95%,which was19.85% higher than that of CK,and the root starch was 19.70%,which was 28.09% more than that of CK.In addition,this new variety was judged to be better in table quality than CK,as well as moderately resistant to fusarium wilt,desirable on storage performance and highly acceptable in germination ability.It was,subsequently,certificated by Fujian Committee for Crop Variety Registration in 2014.


