• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Breeding a New Betel Taro,Tingyu 1

  • 摘要: ‘汀芋1号’是从长汀白芽槟榔芋变异株系中选育而成的槟榔芋新品种,新生芽尖淡红色,母芋呈椭圆筒形,平均单重1.3~1.8kg,肉色呈槟榔纹状,全生育期180~190d。在2011-2012年多点区试和生产试验中,‘汀芋1号’平均产量每667 m2分别为1 497.6kg和1 477.3kg,比对照‘福鼎’槟榔芋增产17.6%和17.4%。该品种品质优、营养成分高,干物率高达39%,氨基酸总量1.44g·hg-1,蛋白质含量2.28g·hg-1,维生素含量C9.88mg·hg-1,粗纤维含量0.6g·hg-1,为理想的食用加工型槟榔芋品种。2015年通过福建省农作物品种认定(闽认菜2015009)。


    Abstract: A new betel taro,Tingyu 1,was bred from the mutant plants of the white bud variety.In the multiplesite regional and production trials,Tingyu 1exhibited an average yield of 1 497.6kg per 667m2 in 2011 and 1 477.3kg per 667m2 in 2012,which was 17% greater than that of the famed Fuding betel taros.The new variety had good qualities with high nutritional value containing 39% dry matters,1.44% amino acids,2.28% protein,9.88%vitamin C and 0.6% crude fiber.Consequently,Tingyu 1was considered a desirable new entry as a fresh vegetable for further processing.It was officially certified in Fujian in 2015.


