Amount of Microencapsulated Feed for Crossbred Juvenile Abalones
摘要: 为确定杂交鲍苗培育过程中饵料的合理投喂,探索快捷采集杂交鲍苗体重数据的新方法,藉以测算、调整微囊饲料投喂量。随机采集观测杂交鲍苗大容量样本10批次,获得杂交鲍苗的体重与壳长的数据1 670对。应用统计分析方法进行壳长-体重回归分析,建立回归方程:W=0.133 L2.985(R2=0.987)。应用IPP图像测量新方法,随机采集实例验证样本500粒鲍苗壳长,经由建立的回归方程估算出鲍苗体重的数据,与实测的鲍苗体重数据进行比较,分析评估回归方程(模型)的稳健性和误差。经由已建立的回归方程以及鲍苗相应体重的投饵率,提出不同水温每万粒杂交鲍苗微囊饲料的日投喂量。Abstract: A new method to rapidly estimate the body weight of the crossbred juvenile abalones was established for determination of the amount of microencapsulated feed for the aquaculture.Ten batches of the abalones was collected for observation.A total of 1 670 data sets on body weight(W)and shell length(L)of the abalones were gathered to arrive at a regression equation:W =0.133 L2.985(R2=0.987).By using a newly developed IPP image analysis,500 sets of Ws and Ls on the randomly selected abalones were measured to compare with the estimated data to examine the reliability and accuracy of the prediction equation.From the equation,the feeding rate per10 000 crossbred juvenile abalones at different water temperatures could be obtained.