Optimizing Extraction Process Organic Phosphorus Fractionation from Dark Brown Soil at Apple-pear Orchards
摘要: 对吉林省延边州延吉市暗棕壤性苹果梨园土壤有机磷进行测定, 参照熊-范改进Bowman-Cole法, 对有机磷组分提取中不同条件进行优化探索。结果表明, 对于酸性苹果梨园土壤, 提取不同组分有机磷的优化步骤为:土壤经氯仿处理后, 加入0.5molL-1 NaHCO3溶液超声波10min, 振荡30min提取活性有机磷;再用0.1molL-1 NaOH溶液处理残余土壤,超声波10min, 振荡4 h提取稳定性有机磷且浸提液中无机磷为中活性有机磷, 把该浸提液的酸度调至pH3, 上清液中测中稳性有机磷, 沉淀中为高稳性有机磷;继续用1molL-1 H2SO4溶液浸提残余土样, 振荡3h, 提取中活性有机磷。Abstract: Dark brow soil at the apple-pear orchards at Yanji in the Korean Autonomous Prefecture of Yanbian in Jilin province was sampled for the experimentation on organic phosphorus fractionation. The process was optimized by using the Bowman-Cole method modified by Xiong Heng-duo and Fan Ye-kuan. The fractionation included the following major steps:(1) to the acidic soil pretreated with chloroform, 0.5 molL-1 of NaHCO3 were added with ultrasonic treatment for 10 minutes followed by oscillation for 30 minutes to extract the labile organic phosphorus into the supernatant; (2) to the soil left after the initial extraction, 0.1 molL-1 of NaOH was added with ultrasound for 10 minutes followed by oscillating for 4 hours to leach the stable and the moderately labile organic phosphorus fractions into the alkali solution; (3) to the above alkali supernatant, acid was added to adjust the pH to 3.00 to precipitate the highly stable organic phosphorus and allow the moderately stable fraction remain in the solution; and finally, (4) to the soil, 1 molL-1 of H2SO4 was added with a constant oscillation for 3 hours to extract the moderately labile organic phosphorus. In comparison to the existing methods, the current fractionation process on the acidic orchard soil in north China appeared to have optimized the conditions with improved efficiency.