Through formulation optimization and trial runs,
Pleurotuseryngii discard(PED) was utilized to reduce thewaste disposal bymixing it with cow dung (CD) and other ingredientsforthe cultivation of
Agaricusbisporus. Mushroom yields on harvests from 8 formulas of the substrate were monitored undervarying pHs and temperatures in 5 tide times. Stable and efficient production with high quality fruiting bodies of
A.bisporus was found when Formula No. 5 (25 kg PED, 10 kg CD, and 0.75 kg superphosphate) or Formula No. 8 (22.5 kg PED, 12.5 kg CD, 0.3 kg lime, and 0.75 kg superphosphate) was appliedper square meter of the cultivating bed. Detailed cultivation procedures to further refine and develop the technology for practical applications are in order.