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章赞德. 闽中丘陵区中稻氮磷钾肥效及其适宜用量研究[J]. 福建农业学报, 2016, 31(12): 1294-1298. DOI: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2016.12.007
引用本文: 章赞德. 闽中丘陵区中稻氮磷钾肥效及其适宜用量研究[J]. 福建农业学报, 2016, 31(12): 1294-1298. DOI: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2016.12.007
ZHANG Zan-de. Effect of NPK Fertilization and Recommendation for Single Cropping Rice in Hilly Regions in Central Fujian[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2016, 31(12): 1294-1298. DOI: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2016.12.007
Citation: ZHANG Zan-de. Effect of NPK Fertilization and Recommendation for Single Cropping Rice in Hilly Regions in Central Fujian[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2016, 31(12): 1294-1298. DOI: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2016.12.007



农业部测土配方施肥补贴项目 2008-2015


    章赞德(1972-), 男, 高级农艺师, 主要从事土肥技术推广工作(E-mail:zhzd6688@126.com)

  • 中图分类号: S511

Effect of NPK Fertilization and Recommendation for Single Cropping Rice in Hilly Regions in Central Fujian

  • 摘要: 为探讨闽中丘陵区中稻氮磷钾推荐施肥技术,应用“3414”设计开展15个田间肥效试验。结果表明,施肥目标产量受到空白区产量水平的强烈影响,二者间呈现显著水平的线性关系;平衡施肥的处理(6)平均产量为8397 kg·hm-2,氮磷钾化肥的增产效果分别为16.2%、6.5%和8.3%,平均净产值为21663元·hm-2,比氮、磷、钾缺素区的净产值分别提高了14.4%、4.5%和6.3%。按照高产田、中产田和低产田3个类型对多点试验资料进行归类和回归建模,表明中稻N、P2O5、K2O平均推荐施肥量分别为219、95、154 kg·hm-2,三要素比例为1:0.43:0.70。但3种稻田类型的稻谷产量水平有显著差异,氮磷钾最佳施用量有明显的差别,在施肥实践中应因土、因产量确定适宜施肥量。结果为中稻测土配方施肥技术提供了施肥指标依据。
    Abstract: For single cropping rice cultivation in the hilly regions of central Fujian, 15 field experiments based on a "3414" design on NPK fertilization were conducted. The results showed that the yield was strongly affected by the existing soil fertility, with a significant linear correlation between the fertilizer applied and the resulting rice output. The average yield by Treatment 6, which had a balanced fertilization at the rate of 8 397 kg·hm-2, showed the average yield increases of 16.2%, 6.5%, and 8.3%, by the N, P, and K applications, respectively. Its net revenue reached 21, 663 yuan·hm-2, with the increases of 14.4%, 4.5%, and 6.3% due to N, P, and K fertilizations, respectively. The results from the experiments on the high-, moderate-and low-yield fields were subject to regression analysis and modeling. It appeared that the average application rates of N, P2O5 and K2O at 219, 95 and 154 kg·hm-2, in the proportion of 1:0.43:0.70, would be appropriate for a single cropping rice in the hilly areas. Nonetheless, since significant differences on the fertilization effect were found in fields of varied fertilities, optimization for specific site would be needed. In other words, in practice, fertilization must take the existing soil fertility into consideration in order to reach the target production objectives.
  • 图  1   空白区产量对施肥目标产量的影响

    Figure  1.   Effect of yield without fertilization on fertilization for targeted yield

    表  1   试验地土壤理化性状

    Table  1   Main physical and chemical properties of soils at selected fields

    序号 试验数
    pH 有机质/
    1~5 5 < 7500 5.18±0.19 24.28±3.23 118.2±18.4 16.1±7.1 84.6±40.9
    6~10 5 7500~9000 5.42±0.31 25.38±5.10 111.6±15.4 30.8±13.6 153.0±108.0
    11~15 5 > 9000 5.30±0.34 34.40±7.65 132.6±25.9 43.5±5.7 168.8±107.7
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    表  2   不同稻田类型对稻谷产量的影响

    Table  2   Effect of field types on yield of single cropping rice

    稻田类型 不同处理的稻谷产量/(kg·hm-2) 土壤对产量的
    处理(1) 处理(6)
    高产稻田 8095.8±486.7 10166.0±1025.8 79.64
    中产稻田 6540.3±334.2 8345.7±588.6 78.37
    低产稻田 4895.1±512.8 6680.4±739.8 73.28
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    表  3   不同施肥处理和试验点对稻谷产量影响的方差分析

    Table  3   Variance analysis on effect of fertilizations and sites on rice yield

    稻田类型 误差均方 处理之间差异 试验点之间差异
    F P F P
    高产稻田 2.911×105 6.462** 4.468×10-7 12.204** 4.544×10-7
    中产稻田 9.359×104 14.719** 4.221×10-13 32.577** 1.339×10-13
    低产稻田 1.180×105 10.273** 3.069×10-10 38.269** 6.546×10-15
    注:表中“**”表示差异达极显著水平(P < 0.01)。
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    表  4   不同施肥处理的稻谷产量均值及其差异显著性的LSD多重比较

    Table  4   Average rice yield by fertilizations and significant differences using LSD multiple comparison

    试验处理 不同肥力等级稻田各处理产量均值/(kg·hm-2)
    高产稻田 中产稻田 低产稻田
    1、N0P0K0 8095.8 c 6540.3 d 4895.1 d
    2、N0P2K2 8525.4 c 7090.5 c 5485.5 c
    3、N1P2K2 9300.6 b 7725.6 b 5897.7 b
    4、N2P0K2 9405.6 b 8065.5 ab 6080.7 b
    5、N2P1K2 9680.1 ab 8190.3 ab 6150.3 b
    6、N2P2K2 10166.0 a 8345.7 a 6680.4 a
    7、N2P3K2 10175.0 a 8335.5 a 6660.3 a
    8、N2P2K0 9360.6 b 7805.4 b 5930.4 b
    9、N2P2K1 9660.3 ab 8240.7 ab 6155.7 b
    10、N2P2K3 10055.0 a 8375.4 a 6720.6 a
    11、N3P2K2 9770.4 ab 8320.5 a 6305.7 ab
    12、N1P1K2 9090.3 b 7900.8 b 5985.6 b
    13、N1P2K1 8825.4 b 7805.7 b 5780.4 c
    14、N2P1K1 9700.5 ab 7795.8 b 6345.6 a
    注:同列数据后小写字母表示差异达显著(P < 0.05)。
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    表  5   不同施肥处理对中稻经济效益的影响

    Table  5   Economic benefit gained by fertilizations

    试验处理 肥料成本/
    高产稻田/(kg·hm-2) 中产稻田/(kg·hm-2) 低产稻田/(kg·hm-2)
    产值 净增收 产值 净增收 产值 净增收
    1、N0P0K0 0.0 22668.2 - 18312.8 - 13706.3 -
    2、N0P2K2 1147.5 23871.1 55.4 19853.4 393.1 15359.4 505.6
    4、N2P0K2 1302.0 26335.7 2365.5 22583.4 2968.6 17026.0 2017.7
    8、N2P2K0 1249.5 26209.7 2292.0 21855.1 2292.8 16605.1 1649.3
    6、N2P2K2 1849.5 28464.8 3729.1 23368.0 3205.7 18705.1 3149.3
    注:每kg稻谷2.8元、N 3.9元、P2O57.3元、K2O 5元。
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    表  6   中稻氮磷钾肥效模型及其经济施肥量

    Table  6   N, P, K fertilizer response models and recommendation for single cropping rice

    地块类型 三元肥效模型 推荐施肥量及预计产量/(kg·hm-2)
    N P2O5 K2O 产量
    高产田 Y=7988+12.442N+1.7978P+1.4695K-0.0283N2-0.0337P2
    224 100 160 10247
    中产田 Y=6587+9.1172N+3.9286P+5.6588K-0.0271N2-0.0194P2
    223 86 137 8411
    低产田 Y=4881+9.8179N+0.9376P+2.9470K-0.0237N2-0.0357P2
    211 99 165 6741
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  • 收稿日期:  2016-03-11
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  • 刊出日期:  2016-12-27


