Percentage of breakage and degree of chalkiness of themilled grains from 42 new varieties of rice tested by Fujian Rice Research Institute in 2015 were compared. It was found that thebrakeage rateafter millingand the chalkiness of the grains of theearly-season rice from the test cultivation area at Liangchen were significantly lower than those fromthe other locations. Among all, the grain breakage rate of the mid-season varieties from Xinluo, while the chalkinessfrom Nanjing, was the lowest. For the late-season rice, the grain brakeage and chalkiness rates were the lowest from Zhangzhou. Planting area affectedqualities ofthe rice in varying degrees.For instance, the grain brakeage of the early-season rice was found to be significantly moresensitive to the location where it was cultivatedthan the mid-seasonor the late-season varieties, with the coefficients of variation of 56.0%, 21.6% and 11.0%, respectively.And, on the chalkiness, the early-, mid-and late-season varietiesshowed the coefficients of 35.1%, 34.9% and 31.2%, respectively. Consequently, it seemed appropriate that cultivation localityshould be included in evaluating the grain qualityof a new rice variety in the future. And, Liangchen appeared suitable for regional testing on early-season rice.