ISSR-based Genetic Analysis on Relationship of Teas in Central Yunnan
摘要: 采用ISSR技术对滇中不同地区17份有代表性的茶样的亲缘关系进行研究。随机选择28条ISSR引物进行筛选, 获得15条能产生清晰条带的引物。将这些引物分别进行ISSR-PCR扩增, 共获得稳定且清晰的谱带112条, 多态性谱带103条, 多态性比率为91.96%, 平均每条引物扩增出7.4条谱带。17份滇中茶样的遗传相似系数变化范围为0.58-0.80, 聚为两类, 第Ⅰ类包含12份种质, 第Ⅱ类包含5份种质。Abstract: The genetic relationship among 17 representative tea cultivars from various regions in central Yunnan was analyzed using ISSR markers.Out of the randomly selected 28 primers in testing DNA polymorphism of the teas, 15 produced distinctive bands and were chosen for amplification.The ISSR-PCR amplified primers showed 112 stable and clearly defined bands.Of which, 103 were polymorphic (a rate of 91.96%) averaging 7.4 bands each.The GS scores on the cultivars ranged from 0.58 to 0.80 with discrete classifications of Group Ⅰ that consisted of 12 germplasms and Group Ⅱ that composed of the remaining 5 germplasms.